Tears & Reunions

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Celeste walked towards the cemetery, deciding to leave her car in the parking lot of the hotel and take her time getting there. She walked the path she's walked hundreds of times before. Despite not coming since March she remembered the way. The closer she got the more her body slumped filling with dread. She stopped a few rows of headstone away. Standing at the grave was Addison's mother and brother. She leaned against a tree and closed her eyes.

Celeste knew that if she got to close to Addisons mom a screaming match would most likely happen and she had no will for that today. Hell she already wanted to scream because where the actual fuck was her dad? The slimy bastard.

Deciding that she would try to stay out of sight, Celeste sits at the base of the tree leaning back and closing her eyes.


"Celeste you have to do your homework before you fail math."

"It's not my fault." Celeste tells Addison looking up from her drawing. "Gods the one who decided gays can't do math not me."

"I can do math."

"Then maybe your not gay." Celeste says smugly. "Cause no gay can do math."

"My head between your legs says I'm gay so, maybe your just dumb."

"Put your head between my legs again and I'll do the homework."



"We can't be friends anymore." Celeste looked up to Addison shock on her face. "See you around." Celeste slammed her locker shut no bothering to actually lock it before chasing Addison through the halls.

"What the fuck?" Celeste asked as she caught up to the taller girl and grabbing her arm. "Want to explain at least?"

"No not really." Addison snapped before pulling her away.

"How the fuck is that even fair? What two years of friendship down the drain?"

"Yea pretty much." Addison said.

"Is it because I told you I like girls?" Celeste asked, she had always been blunt. Never caring for people and their opinions. "You said you didn't mind."

"I don't, it's not that."

"Then tell me what it's about!" The bell had rung and the halls were empty, only them arguing.

"I don't want to."

"That's not fair Addy." Celeste said before laughing her eyes stinging. "You know what forget it. See you around Addison." Celeste turned and walked away. She wasn't even going the right way, her class was the other way with Addison. Like hell if she was going now, the only place she was going was to get her schedule changed.

Addison decided she was wrong and ran after Celeste. When Celeste heard the footsteps she wiped her eyes before turning around.

"I'm sorry." Addison said before grabbing Celeste's face and pulling her in for a kiss. Before Celeste could fully process what was happening Addison pulled away and let go of her. "I'm sorry." Addison turned to walk away but before she could get away Celeste pulled her back down to her by her shirt to kiss her again. So there they were standing in the school hall kissing.

"You fucking idiot." Celeste murmured as she pulled back so they could breathe. Addisons hands on her hips. "I'll beat you next time you try to leave me." Celeste said before kissing Addison again.

"I'll keep that in mind." Addison answered smiling once they pulled away again. "So want to be my girlfriend."

"I want to be your fucking wife." Celeste said and kissed her again. "Girlfriend is fine for now though. Now come one imma take you one a date."
Celeste said letting go of Addison's shirt and grabbing her hand.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now