Nations of the World

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"Are you sure you want to go to school today?" I ask Bella while I look in her mirror and fix my leather jacket

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"Are you sure you want to go to school today?" I ask Bella while I look in her mirror and fix my leather jacket. "Because you have a free pass."

"I'm sure, besides I have a trip today for Bio." Bella says while she pulls on her shoes.

"So this has nothing to do with Eric?" I ask as I sit beside her on the bed.

"Edward and maybe a little."

"Bella he's bad news."

"He saved my life." Bad bad bad.

"Are you sure, I mean you did hit your head."

"Yes I'm sure."

"Okay tell me everything that you remember."

"I was standing by the trunk, I heard the tires I looked up saw Edward across the lot." Bad bad bad bad. "And then I watched as the van came towards me and then I was on the floor in Edwards arms." Gross. "And his hand, it made a dent in the car." That fucking idiot. You would think being immortal he'd have some type of survival instinct.

"Bella you gotta admit it sounds a little crazy."

"I know what I saw."

"I'm not doubting you." How can I? "I'm just saying it's wild."

"So you don't think I'm going crazy?"

"Aw Bells how can you be going crazy, you've been crazy for years." She pushes me so I'm laying back down and walks out of her room. "Come on that was funny."

"I'm leaving."

"If you insist on going can you at least let me drive you?"

"Absolutely not bye." She shuts the door before I can stop her. Oh well, time to get Alex. I grab my bag and and a green apple before I leave.

"Was I dreaming?" Is the first thing Alex asks when she gets into the car.

"About what? Leah?" I tease her.

"No about the fact that Emmett Cullen asked you out."

"Oh well if you were dreaming then so was I." She lets out a squeal and I turned the radio up and drove us to school.

"I get to tell Conner and Vivian." She says before she bounces out the car and over to them. I follow her walking, like a normal person. "I have news." She says to them.

"And I have a bone to pick, with both of you." Vivian says.

"What did I do?" I ask her.

"You left us, with the wolves, literally wolves." She whispers the last part.

"Sorry, But something interesting happened."

"Which is?" Vivian asked us.

"Guess who's going on a date?"

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now