New Year, New Celeste

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"My fucking back hurts." I mumble stretching out hearing it pop. "Good god I'm gonna have a permit hunch if I keep this up."

"That's the industry for you." Vega says coming into my room, you know at the shop. "So I was thinking of a back piece but I can't quite draw it how I'm thinking of it. Help me?"

"No problem talk to me boo." I say pulling out a sketchbook and some pencils. "You have an hour until my next appointment."

"Alright so." She starts talking and I sit listening and sketching. I smile to myself realizing I made it to exactly where I wanted to be all my life. Took a while and some trauma but I'm here.


"Come on, you're taking to long

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"Come on, you're taking to long." Conner calls as I finish getting ready and run down the stairs.

"Okay have fun at the movies with Ang, be safe." I say to Bella kissing her forehead. "Don't be scared to punch Stanley either." I say walking out of the house and into the car with Conner, Vivian and of course Alex.

"So where'd you here about this place?" Vivian asks as I drive us up to Seattle, music playing softly while I speed demon this bitch.

"One of my clients." I tell her. "She was trying to flirt and told me as long as we're 18 we can go in."

"Which is why we're sneaking in booze." Alex says. "How many flasks do you have on you?"


"Magic women, you are." Alex says. "Now drive faster." I laugh and oblige speeding up making the three of them shriek. Life is nice.
"Hey you made it." Clary says hugging me when she sees me. We've been here for a while but dancing is making me hot, the booze was also not helping since Alex declared herself designated driver. "Hey this is my brother, Alec and my sister Iz. This is Celeste."

"Hey dudes." I say shaking their hands. "Nice place you guys got."

"Thanks, nice art skills by the way." Alec says referring to the tattoo I have his sister.

"Why thank you. Come by the shop if you ever feel like getting yourself some." I tell him. "Also where's the bathroom?"

"That way, see you around kid." Clary says pointing. "Be safe."

"You too." I semi shout to be heard over the music, I walk through the obnoxious amount of bodies trying to get to the bathroom when someone grabs me.

"Don't scream." The women said.

"Then let me go." I said standing up straighter, ha the only straight thing I'll ever do. "Let me go."

"I just wanted to talk doll. I hear you're a pretty good tattoo artist." She says smiling, she's honestly pretty, with her wild red hair. If it weren't for the danger signals going off in my head, which rarely went off mind you, I would sleep with her. "I was looking for a good artist."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now