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"Are you sure you still want a party?" Vivian asks as she curls my hair

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"Are you sure you still want a party?" Vivian asks as she curls my hair. "I don't think anyone would be mad if you weren't up for it."

"But I am up for it." I tell her. "Honestly I think I'm more angry than sad. And maybe I'll be sad later but for now I'm good."

"Exactly, and why?" Conner says as he stands in the other mirror. "Because fuck men."

"Right!" Alex agrees from the beanbag.

"Conner you're gay." I say smiling at myself in the mirror.

"Your point?"

"You literally fuck men. You have a boyfriend." I say laughing. "You can't really say that."

"Okay fuck vampire men." He says. "Or Cullen men."

"Fair enough." Alex says pointing at me.

"They were vampires." We all turn to see my dad standing in the doorway.

"I think you misheard dad." I say nervously.

"No no I always suspected but I guess it's true." Dad says. "Does that mean the tribe legends about them being werewolves is true too?"

"Uh yea." I say because the fuck is the point of lying. "But you can't tell Bella. She doesn't know. I only know cause of Paul."

"Alright that's. Wow vampires huh." Dad sighs. "Is that why they all date each other, I thought it was a weird sex cult."

"Wow dad." I say laughing. "No just vampires."

Dad looks at the floor for a while. "Well uh have fun and if you drink I'll give you a ride or stay over there."

"Alright dad." I say and he closes my door.

"Well do we tell the pack he knows?" Conner asks.

"No no we don't. Now let's go." I say standing. "Oh wait I got a Polaroid so picture." I say and pick up the tiny camera, dad got it for my birthday. We pose in the mirror and I snap the instant pic. "Okay now we can go." We walk out of the room and I stop by Bella's room. "You sure you don't want to come?" She ignores me and just sits in the chair. "I'll bring you back cake."

I get into the car and drive us all down to the reservation. "She's really sad isn't she?" Vivian asks me.

"Yup." I say. "After the first morning she shut me out and hasn't spoken since."

"Well it's only been two days, maybe she just needs a few days." Conner suggests.

"I hope so." I mutter. "I guess only time will tell."

"Well for now we party!" Alex says as we pull up to the beach. There's a bonfire going and I can feel the light bass from a speaker. Sams grilling with Emily by his side. It's not huge, it's more of a hangout than anything. It's perfect.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now