Stab Me

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Good morning to the horrible world and all is horrible people who inhabit it. Ok wow, I'm in a bad mood. Maybe because Paul is a stupid little bitch who has ignored my calls but god forbid I responded to a text after more than 2 minutes, it'd be hell to pay. Alright bitch problems aside, let's get dressed.

"Morning pops

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"Morning pops." I say as I jump down the stairs.

"Morning." He looks at his watch while I grab a green apple. "Celeste you're up and ready over an hour early."

"Yes I'm going to the Rez to beat Paul's ass."

"Okay, Wait Why?"

"Because he's a bitch." He clicked his tongue at the curse. "Sorry."

"Well um don't kill him, I don't wanna have to arrest you." I nod.

"Alright later dad. And be safe."

"Always am." I walk out and get into Ruby. Alright bitch let's go beat a boy. I turn up my music and speed over. I pull into Paul's driveway and use my key to get in. I go to Paul's room and he's not even in there. Wtf. I look around his room, nothing has changed at all. I pic up a picture of us from 2 years ago. Everything was so different then.

"Why are you here?" I turn around and see Paul standing there, shirtless boy it's like 10 degrees outside.

"I came to talk."

"I don't want to talk to you Celeste." Ok just stab me okay. It would hurt less.

"Paul what's going on?" I ask. He's not even looking at me. "Our whole lives you've never let me shut you out or ignore you. So why are you allowed to that to me?" Don't you dare start crying.

"It's not your concern."

"Really Paul?"

"Yes really!" Oh ok, just fuck me then. Fuck I'm crying. Really just yelled at me like I'm some random person. Ok. "You need to leave." I open my mouth to argue. "I don't want you here. Leave Celeste." Again I say stab me it would hurt less.

"Paul come on."

"Celeste." Stab me. "I don't want you hear, I don't wanna hear whatever you have to say. I don't want to deal with you. So leave." Ok well next time stab me, it would hurt less and kill me faster.

"Fine." I snap and walk out of his house. I get in my car and look at his house before I drive away, he's glaring at me from his window. Ok. Ok let's go get Alex.

I pull up to her house, 30 minutes early wow even my sadness didn't slow down my driving. I put my head down on the steering wheel and let my tears fall. Fucking stupid boy, like shit this shit sucks. My fucking best friend ignoring me. Dismissing me like I'm trash. Bitch. My heart hurts. I hate it here. There was a knock on the window, it was Alex. I open the door for her, she wasn't even dressed.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now