Lap dog

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"Ok what is up with you two?" Conner asked Alex and I

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"Ok what is up with you two?" Conner asked Alex and I. "I mean no jokes, no laughter no Cullen comments." I can't help but flinch at the mention of the Cullens. Speaking of I could feel a certain one burning holes in the back of my head.

"He's right you two have been awfully quiet today what's wrong." Vivian chimes in.

"Nothing." I mutter at the same time that Alex all but yells. "Everything."

"Ok, someone explain. Now." Bossy.

"We can't."

"Can't or won't."

"Can't, and trust me I want to." Like very badly, I wonder if this is how Jessica feels all the time.

"Then do it."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because it's bad enough as it is, so can we please please it?" God I sound pathetic.

"Fine." Conner snaps and gets up from the table, Vivian following him.

"Guys come on." Alex gets up to follow them and I go with her, obviously. We run to catch up and end up slamming into their backs.

"Who are they?" Vivian asked. I look over Conner's shoulder to see a whole new set of issues, leaning on my car.

"Well the girl would be Leah, the one in the middle is tan buff and daddy issues, the one on the bike is the bitch and the one to the left is the funny one."

"Wanna introduce us?" Conner says.

"Not particularly."

"Oh please they're all hot." Vivian asks.

"If it means you'll drop the discussion from earlier then fine."

"Deal, lets go." I'm going to regret this.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Sam wants us to bring you and Alex to the Rez." Jared answers.

"We have school."

"And when have you ever cared about that?" Leah asks smirking at me.

"Since I'm trying to avoid this." Logan scoffs, who the fuck. "Something to say dick wad?"

"Yea grow the fuck up and get in your car, we don't have all day."

"Then leave, no one wanted you here anyway Logan." Paul snaps.

"Told you bitch and daddy issues." I whisper to Vivian. Logan basically snaps his neck to look at me his eyes then move to Vivian and he just stares at her. Creepy.

"Well I guess your other friends can come too now." Thank you for you're input Jared.

"Right, this Conner and Vivian. Please don't damage them, like you did me and Alex."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now