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I'm a asshole. We all know this, it's not something I'm ashamed of obviously. So here's to being a little bit less of an asshole, or trying.

"Hello Calvin." I say finding him alone in the woods. "How are you?"

"Well I'm dandy." He says turning to face me. "And what's got you in such a good mood."

"I'm feeling pretty good about something." I tell him smiling. "Now I want you to remember everything I've made you forget." I use the Compulsion and watch as his eyes dilate and then he goes through the five stages of grief.

"Why'd you make me forget?"

"Because I was angry." I tell him honestly. "I wanted to be alone in this for a while."

"So why let me remember now?"

"Because you care. You came when no one else did. Granted Alice didn't tell anyone else but you cared enough to come and help me."

"Of course I care about you. You're my little sister in law."

"Don't ruin the moment." I tell him smiling. "Thank you for coming. Both times."

"Anytime buttercup."

"And I don't want the others to know about this yet. My gift or anything else."

"I got you kid."


Walking into Emily's house it was for once completely silent. Vivian is standing in the middle of the living room and there's about 8 different faces of shock.

"Say something." Vivian says on the verge of tears as she stares at Logan who's completely still. I'm not completely sure he's breathing. "Logan?"

"What?" He whispers and there's such a quiet joy in his eyes it's almost beautiful.

"I'm pregnant." Vivian says again tears freely flowing now. "And I want to keep it."

"We're having a baby?" He asks and his voice is so thick and sweet it's adorable.

"Yea." She whispers smiling and he hugs her and a round of cheers go up.

"Holt shit." Paul says standing up. "Baby in the house!" Him and Jared start jumping around and hollering like well wolves.

"Congratulations." Sam says to Logan once he lets get of Vivian.

"Are those tears old man?" I ask him as he approaches me. "All emotional."

"I will fight you." He says wrapping his arms around me. "Looks like our family is growing."

"Soon enough there's gonna be so many little pups running around."

"They won't be dogs." Sam argues.

"Well not fully."

"You're not funny."



Just when you think you've finally get into a good calm groove of being a vampire with werewolves for friends and other vampires for neighbors the world comes in and goes slap. Which is exactly why once again I find myself in the Cullen house this time with Bella. Fuck me.

"So this chick is in fact not done ruining our lives because of you?" I ask once they're done explaining that Alice has seen Victoria here in our small town hell.

"I was protecting Bella." Edward argues this mother fucker don't shut up.

"And you've done a smashing job of it." Bella's mumbles. "So what do we do now?"

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now