Teen Titans

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"I got you this." I tell Bella throwing a costume at her. "Now go shower and start getting ready than I'll come help you."

"I already told you I don't want to go to the party." Bella says sitting up. "What even is this?"

"Pirate." I tell her shrugging. "Be happy I didn't get you the vampire one. Now I have to go straighten my hair so go shower. Don't make me bathe you myself."

"Ugh fine." She says standing. "I'll go for an hour tops."

"Whatever you say." I tell her smiling. "Now rush."
I walk out of her room to go get ready to party crash. And here I sit on my floor to get ready to drink so much I'll need a new liver. I look so good with this hair. Shit imma get me a new bed buddy.

"What up Ray bae." Paul says walking into my room. "Looking good." I gasp looking at his now green hair.

"Will your wolf be green now too?" I ask him going back to straightening my hair.

"Don't be stu- I don't know." He says pausing. "Why would you ask me that." He asks throwing himself onto the beanbag. "Slut."

"Fag." I say leaning closer to the mirror to get my hair right. "Suck a dick and shush."

"Really Celeste." Dad says standing in the door way. "You know what never mind."

"Sup chief." Paul says. "Oh I see the classic cop costume. Is Billy your prisoner?" He asks winking at him.

"I will ground you both." Dad says pointing at us. "Some girls just went into Bella's room."

"It's Viv she's gonna help her with her hair. And then Angie's getting ready here too." I tell him looking back into the mirror. "Small town shit her being Viv's cousin and Bella's friend."

"So you got Bella to go out?" Dad asked.

"What can you say I can be very persuasive." I tell him shrugging. "Besides she can't say no if I tell her not ask her."

"Just be safe. And none of you drink and drive."

"Solemnly swear. Love you dad."

"Love you too. Take care of her Paul."

"You got it chief." Dad nods before walking out the room. "Heard that I'm in charge loser."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I tell him putting glue onto the fake Ruby for my forehead. "Now where is your boyfriend?"

"With Leah and Jared they went to go buy booze." He says smiling.

"So we're alone?" I ask looking at him in the mirror.

"Hey now don't try anything funky." Paul says pointing at me. "That'd be real fucking fruity of you."

"Anyway. You can finally tell me what an imprint is. You pinky promised." I tell him starting my eyeshadow. He sighs and throws himself backwards again.

"It's like a soulmate. Usually it ends in a relationship as you've seen. But more importantly whoever we imprint on we protect and love unconditionally and forever. We stay by your sides as brothers or friends or lovers. It's like a soul tie."

"But you don't swing my way." I point out.

"Obviously. Which is why I was so angry that I imprinted on you."

"Fair enough. But hey I got you Conner out of it." I tell him and see him smile in the mirror. "Aww look at you all in love and shit. Makes me sick."

"Is someone sad again?" He asks teasing me.

"No that would be gay Paul." I tell him standing. "Pass me those fishnets."

"Here you go hooker." He says throwing them at me. "We could sell you for an hour and make good money."

"How about we sell you to the circus. And now proudly presenting Paul. The shapeshifting body builder." I tell him struggling to pull on these fucking tights. Even with socks. If you ever worn fishnets you could be entitled for financial compensation. Ugh.

"You invited people into my room?" Bella asked barging in, in her towel.

"Obviously Isabella." I say pulling up the fishnets. Finally. "Now go Viv's doing your hair."

"Ugh." She says and stomps out of the room.

"Talk about drama." I mutter pulling on the one piece body suit thingy. "Damn maybe you should sell me on the corner." I tell Paul looking at myself in the mirror. "But hey my ass looks good."

"Not as good as mine." Paul says standing on my bed. "Look at it jiggle."

"Damn double cheeked up for no reason." I say shaking my head. "I see Conner's putting in that work."

"Please it's the other way around." He says grinning. "Emily banned us from the house for a week."

"Oh gross I eat there." I say laughing. "Pass me the belt. Thanks." I sit to pull on my docs and I'm officially almost done. "Alright let's go check on Bella." We walk out and I grab the cloak.

"Party is in the hizhouse!" Jared screams as he throws my front door open. "Hey chief nice costume. Gonna use the cuffs on ole Billy boy?"

"I'm going to start using you idiots as target practice." Dad grumbles. "And Celeste stop with that."

"No thanks!" I call back. "Thanks for the suggestion tho." I open Bella's door and see her smiling as Viv curls her hair. "Wow we're one hot group aren't we."

"Hell yea we are." Viv says laughing. "And Bella here is now done."

"Alright alright. Let's do this." Paul says. "Paul by the way."

"Angie." She says waving a little. "Hey Celeste."

"Hey Angie. Ready to get your party on?" I ask her as we head downstairs.

"I guess." She says smiling. "I'm not one for parties."

"Neither is Bella but we're only young once so. Let's party." I tell her. "If all else fails just drink enough you won't remember anything and you'll regret anything."

"Wise words from Celeste." Alex says when we find her setting up shots in my kitchen. "Sup Angie, hey Bella."

"Hey." Bella says. "That's a lot of shots." She says looking at the table.

"Two for each of us. Pregame." Alex tells her winking.  "No you can't opt out. However if you haven't eaten in two hours, I suggest pop tarts first."

"No seriously." I say handing her and Angie a pack each. "Don't drink on a empty stomach."

"Alright we're all here!" Viv says as Logan comes in the house.

"Oh yippie." Dads says. "I will arrest all of you if a single one of you drink and drive. Understand?"

"Yes sir." We all say nodding, his mustache twitches in response. It's magic I tell you.

"Alright and don't throw up in my yard." He says and walks out the house.

"Alright whores let's drink." Jared says.


"Celeste look." Conner says grabbing my arms and and dragging me through the packed house. I'll give it to the Newton kids they can throw a party alright.

"What am I looking, oh my god." I'm like 900 percent sure my eyes are bulging out of my head like a cartoon as I stare at Isabella Marie Swan dancing with a guy. "Oh my god I've been drugged." Full on grinding oh my god.

"No no this is real." Angie says giggling as she appears next to us. "I thought the same thing."

I'm at a true loss for words because what the hell? I can't breathe is this real?

"I have never been so proud." I say putting my hands to my heart. "Someone get me a camera."

"Don't worry I already got pictures." Angie tells me.

"Oh amazing. I'm going to frame them and put them all over my house." I tell her. "Now let's dance."

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now