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⚠️suicide and homophobia⚠️

"Can we go outside?" I ask the table.

"Why?" Conner asks me looking bored. I look around the lunch room to see Emmett looking at me, he smiles and I turn back around.


"It's wet outside, I don't like to be wet." Vivian says.

"Well that's the first time I've heard that from a girl." I joke, she throws a grape at me and I catch it in my mouth and spit it out.

"Who the hell eats red grapes?" I ask her. That shits nasty. "Why would you feed me a red grape?"

"I didn't I threw it, you chose to eat it."

"Whatever, outside please?"

"Fine, but if I get wet you're fixing it."

"Gladly doll." She pushes me and I laugh along with Alex and Conner. We walk past the Cullen table and I can feel Emmett staring at me, I turn my face into Conners shoulder so I don't have to look at him, because apparently I'm a little bitch now. Stupid.

"Ok so why are we out here?" Conner asks as he sits on the hood of Vivian's car. I hold up my hand to tell him to wait, and I reach into Ruby and turn on the music to avoid busybodies.

"So um you know how we have the art project." They all nod okay, good. "So like Emmett's my partner."

"Girl if you don't speed this up." Conner's impatient ass says.

"And like I was gonna say we can work at the dinner but he just like said we'll do it at his house, and planned for that for the next week, except for Friday and the weekend."

"You gonna get the dick?"

"Conner stop." Alex says, thank you. "She definitely gonna get it tho."


"Exactly she barley knows him." Vivian cuts in. I hug her and nod she's my favorite right now. "But 50 bucks says he asks her on a date within the week." I sigh and let go of her and go pout while leaning on Ruby.

"You're on I say he does it tomorrow the latest." I flip Conner off and we all look to Alex for her bet.

"I say he gets her number and asks her over the weekend." They all nod.

"You know I could just make you all lose and ask him out myself." I tell them.

"No that's not fair." Alex whines, roll my eyes at her.

"Fine. But seriously I've like never hung out with a guy I found attractive and I'm don't want to be the awkward sister, that's Bella's job."

"Didn't you have a girlfriend before?" I nod.

"Same shit like that, well not the sex part at least." Conner says, I hit him with my binder.

"I knew that whatever if I make a fool I'll just drive off a cliff."

"Not with Ruby you won't. She's mine when you die." Wow Alex nice.

"You mean if I die."

"If?" Conner and Alex ask. Vivian grabs me and Conner and starts pulling us inside muttering about being cold and I grab Alex to come to.

"Hello Vampires."

"Don't exist." Vivian cuts in, as she stops at her locker. I shove all my textbooks in her locker because I don't even know where mine is and I don't have homework tonight.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now