Baby Fever

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Quick timeline just to make it clear
Bella and Eddie's wedding aug 13
Andrews birthday aug 18
Marco birth aug 21
Now Aug 25/26
Bella find out she's preggo Aug 30

Have I left the Vivian and Logan alone since Marco was born? Nope. It's been four days and I'm just up in their space. They left the hospital two nights ago. To be fair I'm also here to help Viv because my girl is in pain.

"I'm never having sex again." She tells me as I help her back from the bathroom. "Ever." Logan's out grocery shopping.

"Whatever you want hun." I tell her.

"If that's the case shave me." She says and I snort. "I'm serious! I'm happy I had a C-section, it would've been so embarrassing to have them see my hairy vagina."

"If it makes you feel better they probably see them all the time."

"It doesn't." She whines. "Please Cel."

"Ask Logan, I'll babysit."

"He's never allowed near my vagina again."

"Drama Queen." I mutter. "But look at the baby you guys made."

"Yea yea very cute, you just had to carry me to and from the bathroom. Never again."

"I have a wax kit I can bring tomorrow." I offer and she nods. "Fine."

"Does waxing hurt?"

"Can't be worse than having a baby."

"No it can not." She agrees. "Wait I have a question."


"If you guys never change does your hair grow?"

"Nope and thanks to my waxing habit I'm forever hairless." I tell her. "And thank gods I didn't get bangs before I was changed or I would be stuck with those too."



"So you're just hairless."




-Next day-

"Emmett's calling" Vivian tells me.

"Answer and put it on speaker." I tell her seeing as I'm preoccupied waxing her.


"Hey." I say. "What's up?"

"Called to see what you're doing."

"Waxing Vivian." I tell him and then pull a strip.

"Shit hurts." She says, either to me or him who knows.

"Yea well you asked for it." I tell her applying another strip. "Anyways what's up with you babe?"

"I'm bored."

"Bother Calvin."

"He's out with Rose."


"In a mood."

"You're in a mood!" Jasper yelled and it made me and Vivian laugh, until I ripped the next strip off anyway.

"Son of a cunt." Vivian curses.

"I'm gonna bite and ask, what are you even waxing?"

"Logan's next meal."

"Bitch don't tell him that!" She says as Emmett laughs.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now