Sleepovers & Realization

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"Isabella Marie Swan wake up right now or I'm telling Mike you like him back." I say while I shake her awake. She swats my hands away and tries to burrow back under her blankets. "Isabella get up or when Edmund Cullen comes back I'm going to tell him how obsessed you were with him."

"His name is Edward." She mumbles as she sits up.

"And she's up ladies and gentlemen. Good now get ready before you're late." She nods and goes to the bathroom and I walk back to my room so I can finish getting ready. God I hate mornings.

"Morning pops

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"Morning pops." I say as I grab a water bottle from the fridge and he grunts in response. "Don't forget Alex is coming over for a sleepover and Vivian might too, and possibly Leah.

"Yes Celeste I know. Also Sam called said you need to call him ASAP."

"If it's about Paul I'm not calling."

"What's going on with you two anyway? I can't remember one time when you guys have ever actually had a fight."

"That's cause we never have had one. Sam blames puberty, I say he needs to get laid."

"Well that's um, anyway I've got work you got school."

"Right bye dad love you."

"Love you too kiddo." I leave right after and drive towards Alexa house, she's already sitting on the steps waiting for me. She runs up to the car and shoves a cookie into my hands.

"Does this have weed in it?"

"Why would I give you a weed cookie? You know what don't answer, just try it and let me know what you think?" I ate the cookie per her request and omg.

"This is really good. Did you make this?" She nods with a smile on her face. "Please marry me and make me cookies for the rest of our lives."

"How about you just drive us to school and I'll keep making you cookies as a thank you." I nod my head and start to drive. "So how was yesterday with lover boy?"

"Fine nothing to interesting happened."

"Boo, no kiss nothing?"

"Nada zilch zip zero." She let out a groan and threw her head back. "Anyways you still coming over for the night right?"

"Yes ma'am, I packed a bag and everything." I looked in the back seat where she pointed and saw a duffle bag, how did I miss that. "Viv isn't coming she's sick."

"How the hell is Conner getting to school then?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Call him and ask stupid."

"He said he wasn't gonna come, but if you pick him up he'll come."

"Alright he lives by the grocery store right?" She nods and I make a u turn to go back for him. She points to a house that I assume is Conner's and I honk the horn.  Conner comes running out the house, I get out of the car to let him in.

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now