The Shop

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"Morning." Kit said as I walked into the shop, I handed him his coffee. "Thank you." He was always here first for inventory and shit.

"No problem." I set my bag down my designated locker. "Ray in yet?" He shook his head. "Damn, wanna give me a piercing?" We had time, the shop didn't open for another hour or so.

"Always." He smirked. "What do you want?"

"Belly." I slide over to where all the jewelry is. "I like that one."

"Alright I'll get set up." I nod and he goes to the back.

"Wait don't leave me alone." I rush after him almost spilling coffee on myself.

"You're about to be 18 and you're still scared of being alone?"

"And what about it?"

"Aren't you driving yourself to and from Arizona and staying alone for the two days you'll be there?" Kit asks as he pats the table for my to lay on.


"Whatever you say sunshine, whatever you say. Breathe in. Alright all done." I stand and look at the mirror.

"Well now that that's done I'm gonna start on my line work."

"Oh so fun."

"Don't make fun of me old man." I say as I heard him the money I owe for the piercing and a tip.

"I'm only 23."

"God your ancient." I tease as I sit by the counter and pull out my stuff. "Go put on music."

"You're bossy." Kit said and walked away from me. "I want no complaints either." He calls before the shop fills with music.

We just vibe to his very random playlist as I practice stopping and starting lines seamlessly and he cleans and preps for the day.

"Good morning sluts." Lani says as her and Vega enter the shop.

"Morning." I say not looking up, I feel as Vega looks over my shoulder. "You're distracting me."


"You're breathing very loudly." I stop with the lines and turn to face her. "What's up?"

"Just wanted to see how you're doing." She shrugs. "How's the tattoo healing?"

"It's good." I hop up and pull my skirt down. "Look what I got this morning."

"Another piercing?" She shakes her head. "You're gonna be more metal than Cyborg."

"From Teen Titans?" (The og Teen Titans that is)


"Awesome." I smile at her again.

"Good morning girls and male." Ray says as he walks in. "Today is a horrible day and I plan to make it that way for everyone."

"Nothing new then." I whisper to Vega who laughs. "What's so horrible about today?"

WILD CHILD • Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now