That Which is Unknown | cre0adregar

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Nothing doesn't exist. Mutants, magic-users, and Zoo sapiens are just a few of the inhabitants of Duat, a hidden world that shares ties with Earth. The inhabitants of Earth remain blissfully unaware of Duat and the supernatural thanks to the Illuminati; a secret organization that regulates and hides the existence of the supernatural from mortals.

The vampire villain, Night Reaper, has made an appearance in Babel, the capitol of Duat. With a corpse count in the thousands, coupled with the defeat of a powerful hero, the society of Duat takes drastic action against the menace.

Among those who seek out Night Reaper, is Amelia Garcia; a mortal born to supernatural parents. To overcome her crippling fear of the unknown and to prove her self worth, Amelia joins a hero on their quest to stop Night Reaper.

While everyone focuses on the obvious threat, a few elite individuals have come to the realization that something far worse hides behind the scenes. Something so dangerous, that even the combined might of heroes and gods might not be able to stop it.


YOUR COVER: (6/10) Your cover is very plain. You could experiment with the cropping and placement of the photo used, and the presentation of the title and font is plain/boring. I suggest playing around with filters and different fonts, or you can go to a cover designer on Wattpad. This cover doesn't do your story justice, and I wasn't impressed or drawn to read your story.

YOUR TITLE: (8/10) I enjoy the uniqueness of your title, and I can tell you put a lot of thought to it. However, it won't attract a lot of audiences. It doesn't hint towards the genre your story is in, and the title is vague/generic. You can certainly keep it as it is, but if any other ideas come to mind throughout the story (such as specific people, symbolic objects, a special place, or a repetitive phrase), keep your mind open to those ideas, and find which are the most appealing to you.

YOUR BLURB: (3/5) You created an in-depth blurb, and it explains your plot well. However, there's too much going on. Readers will be browsing briefly through different stories, and if they aren't easily hooked, they'll back away. I suggest simplifying your blurb, shortening it, and correcting the minor grammar errors (mostly comma usage). Try to refrain from mentioning too many names and places, and remember that you can always explain more in the main synopsis inside the story. For example, if I were to simplify your blurb, it would look something like this:

In a world with mutants, magic-users, and Zoo sapiens, a vampire villain rises. With a corpse count in the thousands coupled with the defeat of a powerful hero, the society of Duat takes drastic action against the menace.

Amelia Garcia is just one of many seeking out the Night Reaper. A mortal born to supernatural parents, Amelia joins a hero on their quest to stop the Night Reaper and overcome her crippling fear of the unknown along the way.

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