Hired | Peckie12345

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Kayla Highlander,a modest but feisty 22 years old woman,who is forced to take care of her little brother after the demise of her parents in a car accident.After a chance meeting with her and the almighty famous playboy Liam Hawkins where she later finds herself working as his personal assistant,she is forced to accept a job proposal in order to fend for her and her brother needs.

Liam Hawkins,age 25,a young billionaire who has everything at the snap of his fingers--money,power,women--you name it! But what happens when Liam meets feisty little Kayla who is willing to do anything for her and her brother even if it means getting married to him for a year?

One year,a contract, a determined woman,a player husband

What could possibly go wrong?


YOUR COVER: (9/10) I enjoyed the way the title and author's name was presented. The photo is darker than I'd like it to be, and it does appear to be a vague and generic photo. What unique concept can you portray in your cover that will really draw in interested readers?

YOUR TITLE: (4/10) I can see that you have the right idea here with the title. It's short, it relates to the story, and it draws in the right readers. However, it's also cliche and generic. There are many stories on Wattpad about people hired to act out fake relationships, and almost always, the word "hired" is always in the title. Is there a unique way you can present your story without still appearing cliche and just another one of those hired girlfriend/boyfriend tropes?

YOUR BLURB: (2/5) The most concerning part of your blurb is the amount of grammar errors. If you read it closely, you'll notice that some sentences are incomplete (missing periods), using unnecessary commas, and missing spaces. Your blurb is also very cliche and sounds almost exactly like many other stories on Wattpad. For example, the idea that Liam Hawkins is a young billionaire who can have anything at the snap of his fingers is nothing new, and frankly, some readers may be tired of this cliche. Is there a way you can spice things up with the blurb? What else does Liam have besides his looks and wealth, and how can you portray that in your blurb? You're also missing some proper pronouns here, and the first paragraph sounds more like a summary report of a woman, not part of a synopsis. Ages aren't relevant in the blurb and do not contribute to the plotline at all. Along with that, I'd suggest that you write out numbers to not look lazy or unprofessional in front of potential readers. If you do all this and tighten up your sentences, your blurb could look something like this:

After a chance meeting with the famous playboy, Liam Hawkins, Kayla Highlander has no choice but to accept his proposition; if only to protect her brother and move on from the deaths of her parents.

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