And Corbin finds out that the universe has screwed him over.
Of fucking course.
Sighing in annoyance, I got up from where I was sitting, A grimace on my face as I walked over to the other side of the allyway.
''So what you're telling me is. . . I'm supposed to get in a relationship with my enemy?'' I checked.
Phantom had explained to me how he found out that people with powers tend to be destined for someone, Normally someone else who had powers but sometimes also those without them.
Well. . . Ian is pretty nice. . . If I'm right, He might be one of those I'm destined for. . .
''Well. . .I mean you don't have to be, It'll be hard considering the consequences we talked about. . . But I mean if you're up for it I don't see why you can't stubbornly refuse'' Phantom said slowly, Clearly unsure about how to answer that.
''Wait, Hold on, You said that our other part will be unable to hurt us right?'' I checked, At his nod I continued, ''Well, He's been able to hurt my dragons. . . Which hurts me''
I watched Phantom with a renewed hope, Maybe I really wasn't destined for Golden. . . Ian on the other hand. . .
I'll have to ask him to try and hurt me to be sure. . .
''That's. . . A loophole actually. . .'' He said, An apologetic look on his face.
Letting out a sigh, I leaned back against the wall.
Of fucking course.
''Alright, What loophole did the universe make to screw me over now?'' I asked, More tired then angry.
Phantom gave me a sympathetic smile before actually answering.
''He's not actually hurting you. . .'' Phantom started before I let out an unamused huff.
''Sure feels like he's hurting me'' I grumbled.
''It feels like he's hurting you, But he's actually hurting your shadows'' Phantom explained.
''Since they're not actually a part of you, Extension or other wise, They're able to be effected. . .'' He explained slowly.
When I didn't say anything back to that, He continued.
''Someone with fire powers could have their fires put out by someone with water powers while still being destined to them'' Phantom said.
''Let me guess. If I couldn't feel what my dragons feel, I wouldn't actually get hurt in our battles with golden?'' I guessed tiredly.
At his sympathetic nod I let out a long suffering sigh.
''Of course. Why am I not surprised. . .'' I muttered under my breath before turning back to face Phantom.
''Is there any way out of this stupid 'destiny' thing if I've already met the others?'' I asked, Not exactly looking forwards to suffering, All because some busy body atoms missed their counterparts.
''Well. . . I mean you can just stay away from them. . . I doubt it'll be easy seeing as they'll most likely seek you out once the consequences start happening'' He explained before briefly looking up at the risen sun.
''You have to go don't you?'' I guessed, Yawning into my hand.
He rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly, ''Yeah, I'm sorry to just dip on you so soon. . .'' He said apologetically.
I waved his apologies off, A small bitter smile on my face, ''Dude, You didn't even have to stay this long, Go, Enjoy your freedom'' I said calmly, Getting up.
''Hey uh, Maybe we'll see each other again?'' Phantom said, Offering me a small smile.
''Bet.'' I said simply before waving bye to him.
He waved back as I left the allyway, Merging with the crowd.
I felt my dragons, All the long distance away, Unmerging as my powers rushed back to me.
'What happened? Did we win?' I heard Eige asking in my mind as soon as they unmerged.
Before I could answer, Cali spoke up.
'I see a spider! Imma eat it!' He said with the utmost joy.
A small fond smile formed on my face as I kept walking, Fully aware that both of my other dragons would most likely be busy keeping Cali away from the poor spider.
Well. . . At least I get to be alone with my thoughts for a little bit. . .
Sighing, I stared down at the dark tinted ground below me, The people around me barely paying attention to their surroundings.
So. . . Golden and I are gonna end up being at the very least friends. . .
Sighing, I tried to wrap my tired brain around that absurd idea.
I can't see that. . . A Villain and a hero? I mean. . . I can see that with Ian but he actually tries to see things from my point of view. . .
Sighing, I decided to try not to think about it as I walked home, My already tired brain not wanting to deal with thinking.
After that information dump from Phantom, I needed some time to slowly think this through.
Why am I even surprised anymore? I should be pretty used to this by now. . .
Shaking my head, I nearly ended up running right into a rather well dressed man.
That made me pause as we both backed away from each other.
This place was in the lower tax bracket, People here barely could afford the roof over their heads and the food on their table.
No one around here had money to burn on a needlessly expensive suit that you'd only wear once.
The man had dark auburn hair with a few streaks of grey, It was swooped back and clearly gelled in place.
I tilted my head back a little bit to look up at him as he was taller then I am, That's not saying much but still. . .
''Ah, Sorry about that, Are you alright?'' The man asked, Smiling down at me with a forced smile, His navy blue eyes searching my face for. . . Something.
'' 'M fine.'' I snapped out curtly, Feeling uneasy standing near this man.
I didn't know why, But my mind was screaming at me that this was dangerous.
The man frowned ever so slightly at my curt answer before the forced smile returned to his face.
That can't be good. . .
And Corbin knows now, He's too tired to be angry. . . However. . . This new guy, Any guesses why he seems dangerous?
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...