Chapter 15: Feelings

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A chapter filled with (A bit of) communication, fluff and two boys cooking. . .


I woke up that morning not to the sound of my phone's buzzer, But instead to the mouth watering smell of pancakes and eggs cooking.

Slowly opening my eyes, I noticed my dragons were in a dog pile on top of me, Barely a speck of my skin showing from under the fluffy shadowy dragons.

Sighing, I carefully pulled them off of me, Setting them down in my spot before covering them back up with my blanket.

Looking around, I spotted Ian in the kitchen, Unaware that I was up.

Right, It's still pretty dark in here. . .

With that in mind, I took the far too good of a chance to sneak up on the other boy.

Wrapping shadows around me, I moved to be standing right behind him.

Waiting until he set the pan he was holding down, I slowly reached my arms out.

I wrapped my arms around his waist in a hug.

He let out a small shriek, His hands snapping down to clutch at mine, The few nearby plants moving in my direction aggressively.

''Easy! Just me'' I soothed, A small hint of amusement managing to make it's way into my voice.

He placed a hand over his chest, Catching his breath as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

Odd. . . This feels oddly normal. . . Hell, I'd never do this with someone I knew for as short of a time as h-

My thoughts were derailed as Ian got his revenge, By putting some cold sticky maple syrup right on my cheek.

''Hey!'' I squeaked out, Letting the other boy go.

''Ha! Never should have spooked me!'' He said happily as I tried to clean the sticky tasty goop off my face.

The little demon of a boy just calmly licked the tiny remainder of syrup off his finger.

''What' cha doing?'' I asked, Moving over to hover behind him slightly as the strawberry blonde boy got back to cooking.

''Making breakfast silly'' He said simply as if it was the only logical thing he could be doing.

'I mean, It sort of is. . . He's got the stove on right now, I'd be concerned if he wasn't cooking' Eige added on tiredly as he hopped up onto the counter.

''. . . I see I missed part of this conversation?'' Ian asked slowly, His eyes still wide with awe as he watched Eige stretch out, Arching his back like a cat would.

''Not much really, Just my traitorous dragon mocking my thoughts'' I said dramatically, Feeling. . . At home with Ian near.

He grinned cheerfully at me as Eige rolled his eyes, Yawning and laying down on the counter to sleep again.

This feels so. . . Normal. . . Like I've known him. . . Forever. . .

Glancing back up at blue eyes I noticed his smile had dropped ever so slightly.

He looked slightly confused.

I paused a moment before reaching out, Setting my hand gently on his shoulder, ''Penny for your thoughts?'' I asked, A small tired smile on my face as his pretty ice blue eyes looked up at my shades.

''It's just. . . This all feels so normal so. . . So. . .'' He struggled to say before I cut in.

''Right?'' I guessed, Moving to rest my hands firmly on both of his shoulders, Looking him in his pretty eyes.

I think I could get lost staring at them. . .

Sure his eyes looked icy blue from a distance, But up close, If you concentrated and looked closely, You could just see tiny flecks and lines of silver in his eyes, Almost like accents.

''Yeah'' He whispered, Smiling at me as his shoulders relaxed in relief.

I found myself smiling back at him, His happiness making me happy as well.

''You didn't have to make breakfast you know'' I pointed out, Moving over to the stove to flip one of the cooked pancakes off of the pan and onto a plate.

''I know. . . You didn't have to let me stay here today or yesterday yet that didn't stop you from doing so'' He pointed out, Moving back over to the stove to get back to cooking some eggs. 

I paused, Thinking about what he said for a moment before Eige nudged my arm, Drawing my attention back to the slightly overdone pancakes.

I hurriedly took the pancakes out of the pan, Setting them on the pile currently very slowly cooling on a plate before putting more batter in the hot pan.

''I'm glad you've been staying over'' I said after a while, Glancing over at the blonde as I spoke.

He glanced back over at me, His smile as bright as a thousand suns.

''As am I'' He said before we both fell into a comfortable silence.

We both worked around the kitchen, Making breakfast in peaceful silence.

It was very nice and. . . Oddly familiar. . .

Glancing over at Ian again, I noticed he was cutting up some cooked bacon.

I frowned slightly when I noticed he was holding the knife wrong.

I turned off the stove before moving over to stand behind the other boy.

''Here, Hold it like this'' I said, Reaching out to gently place my hands over his, Readjusting his hold on the knife so he wouldn't end up cutting his hand.

He tilted his head back slightly, Looking over his shoulder at me to give me a grateful smile.

''Thanks, Guess I'm still a little sleepy'' He said sheepishly, His cheeks turning slightly pink as a blush started on his face.

I felt my face start to heat up a bit with a blush of my own as I let him go, Stepping back slightly.

I instantly felt the lack of warmth as soon as I was no longer as close to him as before, However, I sucked it up and went back to cooking.

My slight bit of sorrow didn't last long as Ian moved a little closer to me, Our shoulders touching each other as we continued to cook.

A small, Happy smile returned to my face.

I didn't stop to question why I felt so comfortable and happy around this other boy, I was too happy to want to ruin it.

'Kiss?' Cali asked, Making both Ian and I jump.

The little purple colored dragon as perched on Lily's head as they both watched us from behind the counter.

''Shh!'' She hissed, Ducking back down below the counter when she noticed us looking at her.

I snickered quietly as Ian just gaped in shock, His face bright red now as he struggled to find words.

''N-No! We-We wouldn't, I mean, I wouldn't mind but we aren't-'' Ian stuttered out, Stumbling over his words as his face somehow got an even darker shade of red as Lily and I both struggled to not laugh.

I smiled happily, My face hurting slightly from the sheer amount of smiles I had in such a short time.

This is nice. . .


Just a bit of fluff due to the fact that next chapter won't be as. . . Nice. . . Any guesses on anything?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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