Chapter 95:

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Annnd Corbin gets his first run in with his new fan club. . .


Night started off as a gentle, sweet affair, our bellies full of a tasty meal and our brains suitably exhausted from a nice long movie marathon with popcorn involved. . .Which. . .Very well might have been too much food all things considered but! It was enjoyable and made for a lovely time before we all settled in for bed.

Brion was settled in peacefully in the guest room, having struggled through dinner and movie time, seemingly too scared to do anything without being told to, even struggling to relax when we all settled in.

It was difficult to witness. . .Daxon spent a fair bit of time just soothingly talking to him during to movie when he started to shake, seemingly unable to even relax for a bit of time.

Thankfully, he and everyone else settled down eventually, sleep claiming everyone. . .Only for me to be woken up at midnight by a messenger. . .

'''Shaaade. . .Shade! Shadey! Shade! Sos!''' A familiar voice whispered in my mind, jarring me awake with a quiet grumble, glaring at the ceiling then at the semi transparent figure standing right outside my bedroom window, the curtains now parted slightly.

''Tene. . .Go tell Tristen he's got five seconds to start running'' I whispered quietly, doing my best not to wake my partners as my dragons joined me in glaring at the man at our window who clearly heard me and was terribly terrified.

'''Look, look, I know you've been staying away for a bit to bond with your boyfriends. . .Uh, Congrats? But uh, there's been a kidnapping and uh. . .We're having trouble getting them back ste-''' Tristen started before I held my hand up, cutting him off.

''I'm on my way. . .If I get yelled at by my partners though for being out this late I'm throwing you under the bus'' I hissed out to the. . .Sorta phantom telepath, carefully squirming out from my boyfriend pile as Tristen and my dragons left the building, heading to a nearby rooftop as I used my powers to pull my suit out of hiding.

Dressing and climbing out the window, I gave my bed and the two men on top of it one last longing look before shutting and securing said window, ensuring they'd be safe before making my way up to the rooftop with Tristen and my dragons.

''Alright, brief me on the situation'' I requested as soon as I reached the roof, starting to run across the closely built buildings, my dragons and the young villain in training following beside me.

--- --- Time skip --- ---

'As far as rescue attempts go-'

''Shut the hell up Tene'' I hissed out quietly, angrily wiping the blood from the throbbing, burning hot fresh cut on my face.

The children - because of course bad guys kidnap children, why would I expect anything else - were all safe and unharmed. . .Walking close behind me as I led them out of the now. . .Sliiightly on fire building they had been held in.

This entire rescue mission went tits up pretty quickly, Tristen getting spotted almost instantly sending everything into chaos, nearly getting everyone hurt.

A quiet little grumble left me as I watched Tristen slip away down a back alley, leaving me to gently herd the children to the nearest hospital to get checked out and returned to their respective adults.

'You can call them parents you know' Eige muttered from where he was following from an alley, all three of my dragons hiding away from the slowly rising sun.

Of course this took all night. . .Why the fuck wouldn't it. . .

I resisted the urge to groan as I realized I'd be doing another full shift without any sleep for the second night in a row.

Fuck me I guess. . .

'Well what if some of them are orphans hmm? What then Eige??' Tene taunted as Cali let out quiet little chirps, jumping about through the shadows as we steadily made our way further into the city, a few of the little ones clinging the me as we made our way through the suspiciously dense and interested crowd that was starting to form around us as we got closer to the hospital.

. . .What the fuck is going on. . .

People were. . . Recording me instead of running and calling the police like normal. . .

My guard was up as I ushered the kiddos inside, the familiar nurses and doctors at the hospital assisting me with quickly herding the crowd away from all of us, allowing us to get inside and into a more secluded doored off area.

Some of the tension left my shoulders as the door was secured behind us, the only ones inside the room being the kiddos, nurses and I.

''Alright dears, did any of you get hurt? Anyone feel sore? Inhale any strange substances?'' The head nurse - June - started to question gently, taking charge like she always does whenever one of us villains comes in with a bunch of injured or potentially injured folks.

A soft sigh left me as I drifted closer to the nearest wall, leaning heavily against it as the nurses systematically worked through the group I brought them, allowing my attention to slowly drift to the nearest Tv that was on our local news channel on mute.

. . .Ooooh fuck. . .I'm so not getting away with this. . .

There, on early morning tv, was my bruised, masked face as I led the children inside the hospital, the video on loop as one of the early morning tv anchors seemingly spoke, gesturing at the looping video a few times as their mouth moved.

. . .Hey Eige. . .Do you see Daxon anywhere?

'That's a strange question, yes actually, he just showed up' Eige answered almost instantly to my pointed thought, sounding curious.

Well shit. He's not going to be happy especially considering he JUST told me not to take risks.

Letting out another sigh, I tiredly rubbed at my eyes, wincing as it caused my skin to tug against the bruises and cuts on my face.

It's going to be a long. . .Long day.


Mmm :) and we're setting up for a day of hell for Corbin :D

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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