Back to Corbin's Pov. . .
Getting into a random cab is not the smartest idea.
'And yet. . .' Eige grumbled out sarcastically from inside my bag, Sounding very clearly annoyed with the situation we were in.
I stared wearily out the window at all the tall sky scrappers and the smaller 'totally not crack houses' we were passing.
'What did you expect us to do? Make a scene on a random street corner with a man who can summon goons to carry us off or just mind control us? We'd end up brain dead puppets like Air head over there' Tene grumbled out, Sounding very bitter about all of this.
'He wouldn't. . .If he intended to do so he would have done so already, It would have been a lot easier than trying to convince us to get into the cab was. . .' Eige pointed out.
Speaking of, I glanced over at the other villain, Sitting currently at the other window in the back of this cab.
Air head was currently leaned up against the other villain, Possibly asleep. . .It was hard to tell.
Said other villain had an arm resting comfortingly over the 'ex hero's' shoulders in a one armed hug.
It was a sweet, Almost domestic like scene.
That is if you didn't look too closely.
The driver currently driving the cab was one of said people who didn't look too closely.
''So how long have you three been dating?'' The nice middle aged man asked, Trying to strike up pleasant conversation.
I was about to shoot down his assumption that we were dating before the other villain spoke up.
''Unfortunately, We aren't dating yet. . .Soon though hopefully'' The other villain said warmly, Amused and clearly pleased with the assumption.
''No. It's not happening'' I grumbled coldly to him, Being kind enough to keep my voice down so the sweet driver who was now cooing over how cute of a thruple we were wouldn't hear me.
''One can always hope'' The other villain murmured back in his velvety tone, Seeming so self assured that this would go through.
''Your hope is misplaced then'' I muttered, My grip tightening on the strap of my bag.
I could tell my dragons could feel how weary and un-comfortable I was currently.
They just amplified my rather negative emotions with their mirrored concern.
Oddly enough though. . .Cali. . .Cali wasn't feeling the same as the rest of us.
He, Currently, Was slowly starting to wriggle his way out of my bag.
Spotting him making a break for it, My eyes widened as I reached out, Trying to catch and stuff the dragon back into my bag.
The slippery, Furry little noodle of a dragon darted away from my hand, Shocking me as he jumped up towards the Villain.
I froze in horror as Cali jumped right up onto the other villain's lap, Making both of our eyes widen.
We both just stared at the dragon for a moment before he reached his hand out, Gently brushing his fingers over the soft fur on Cali's spine.
I bit back a strangled gasp as the feeling of a hand brushing over my spine startled me.
The other villain looked very surprised by my response.
Nothing more could happen though as the sweet driver, Bless his soul, Happily chirped up that we were here.
Looking out the window, I was shocked to see we had already left the 'poorer' part of town that I called home and were now in the richer, More affluent part of town.
Of fucking course he lives here. . .
Cali, The little traitor, Jumped back into the bag with my other dragons, The two of them hissing quietly at him, Annoyed but more so concerned for him.
Stepping out of the cab at an annoyingly large house, I was about to head towards the less scary back alleyway I could see far in the distance before the villain stopped me.
I waited as he payed the driver, Tipping him a fair lot before turning his attention back to me, Air head in tow as he started to head towards the distant 'house'.
'And here I thought houses this uselessly big were only in tacky romance dramas. . .' Tene muttered before Eige sighed heavily.
'Oh if only. . .Then we'd at least know what to expect from this man. . .' Eige murmured back, Tired.
'Trust. . .Thing's gonna be okay. . .Less tired, Gotta spend time with him, You'll see' Cali informed us all.
'Cali, Sweetheart, Beloved angelic child. . .English! Please! Cryptic messages don't do shit for us!' Tene cried out only for Eige to lightly smack him, Making me wince slightly.
The other villain noticed said wince and reached out for me, Having the audacity to gently cup my face in his hand, Examining my face.
''Personal space please'' I muttered, Very nervous and feeling awkward with the close scrutiny he was directing at me.
He paused before taking a small step back.
''You winced. . .What caused that reaction?'' He questioned, Still semi close to me but no longer touching me.
''Uh. . .Pain? That typically causes winces'' I muttered, Purposefully being as troublesome as possible.
I wanted this evening to be over, With the constant little touches to both me and now my dragons, My patience had long since worn thin.
No one touches my dragons. . .The only one I'd consider letting do so is Ian. . .Not the man who kidnapped me, Drugged me and is now trying to convince me to date him.
'Maybe he inhaled a few of those drugs he was making. . .' Tene muttered before Eige sighed heavily again.
'I'm going to tape your mouth shut, These snide remarks aren't helping us in this situation' Eige informed him, His voice lacking any threat.
The dragons continued to bicker as I heard a small huffed chuckle from the villain across from me.
''Fair enough. . .Come along, Let's get in and out of the cold'' He murmured warmly, Ushering me towards the uselessly large wooden door as the other villain's smoky minions swung the door open for us to enter without pause.
I let out a tense, Weary sigh, My body as stiff as a live wire.
Welp. . .Things are gonna get. . .Well you'll see. . .
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...