So uh. . . This might end well??
Gritting my teeth, I straightened up, Standing as tall and proud as I could even as my body felt like I was covered in a sunburn on every inch of me.
''So we meet again. . . Bleeding Shade'' The light hero said, Slowly approaching me as he spoke.
''Mhmm.'' I hummed tensely, Backing away from him as he approached me.
''Release my dragon'' I ordered weakly, My voice wavering slightly as Cali and Tene hurried to stay behind me, My own barely visible shadow protecting them slightly.
''I still can't do that'' He said, A sympathetic smile on his face as he kept slowly approaching me.
'Corbi. . .We're getting close to the wall' Cali pointed out innocently behind me.
Shit. . .Tene. . .
'Yeah. . . I'll see what I can do' Tene said quietly behind me.
Tensing up, I stopped backing away from the hero, Holding my ground as I pulled as many shadows as I could into the light lit area.
An impressed look seemed to cross the hero's face before he formed ropes of light in his hands, Holding them loosely.
''Well. . . That is rather impressive'' He said, Nodding in the direction of my shadows.
''What are you planning on doing with those.'' I demanded quietly, Gesturing to the ropes in his hand, Refusing to be lead off topic.
His smile faltered slightly before returning as he stared down at me.
''Depends, Will you surrender?'' He asked, His familiar sounding velvety voice seeming to wriggle past my guards a bit.
I could feel some of the shadows I had struggled to summon start to recede at his surprisingly soothing voice.
Where the hell have we heard that voice before?
'Corbin! Priorities! We're kinda cornered, Remember?' Tene snapped at me, Scolding me for the brief mental lapse.
Frowning, I lifted the remaining shadows closer to myself, Their dark tendrils twining up my legs.
That simple movement caught the hero's attention.
''Ah. . . I see we're going to have to do this the hard way. . .'' The hero muttered, Sounding disappointed over such an idea.
''Looks that way.'' I muttered back, My body tense as my remaining dragons took flight, Gliding away to safety, Their fleeing only causing a slight spike in pain.
My breathing was ever so slightly labored as Eige's pain kept me from relaxing. . . Or even really concentrating.
Which was the one thing I really needed to be doing right now.
The hero had summoned out the floating daggers he had before, All of them were pointing at me.
Gritting my teeth, I pulled more shadows from the safe darkness, Ripping them into the dangerous light as I made up my mind.
I have to get Eige out of here first, My dragons are my biggest liability right now. . .
With that in mind, I made my first real move.
I lunged to the left of the hero, Quickly ducking under his daggers, My shadow's aid barely speeding me up enough to dodge the daggers as the hero sent them flying at me.
I heard an annoyed censored swear from the hero as he realized my target.
Bands of light started to reach up around the cage before I used the small shadow cast by said bands of light to punt the cage straight up into the air.
Many things happened at once as soon as the cage was in the air.
Tene swooped down to grab the cage as soon as it was away from the bands of light.
As he grabbed the cage, The dagger like light beams the hero had been trying to attack me with finally landed.
The surprisingly sharp light. . . knives didn't once touch my skin, Instead they dug into my clothing, Pinning me to the wall behind me.
My breath hitched in my throat as one of the light blades was right next to my throat, Making my body tense up on instinct as my remaining shadows were destroyed as the hero sent out another burst of bright light, Narrowly missing Tene as he struggled to carry off the cage and still passed out Eige.
Thankfully however, They managed to quickly duck down a dark ally, The shadows helping them disappear quickly.
''Dang it.'' The hero muttered before sighing, Turning his attention back to me as the light level in the ally way we were in started to lower to a less headache inducing level.
I flinched slightly as the daggers turned into ropes, Slowly binding my arms to my body as the other man approached me.
Scowling, I could feel a pit forming in my stomach as I waited tensely for him to remove my mask. . . Revealing what I took so much care to hide.
Instead though, He simply dislodged me from the wall, Holding me firmly in place even as his ropes of light kept me from being able to move much. . . Or summon any help either.
I narrowed my eyes from behind the protective lenses in my mask, Not only hiding my eyes but also shielding them still from the sadly still too bright night.
''You're not going to remove my mask?'' I asked quietly after a second as he started to lead me down a different ally way.
The hero glanced back at me before another one of his far too bright closed mouth smiles.
''Of course not, You have a right to keep your identity a secret. . . Although, It would help a lot with helping you if you did'' He said, His voice becoming much gentler and a lot like someone talking to a frightened child as he spoke.
I gritted my teeth again, Absently worrying if they will crack at this rate.
Can teeth even crack just from that?
''I fail to see what I need help with. Unless of course you're offering to become a villain. . .'' I said, Adding on the last bit after noticing how snappy my tone was with the first half.
It's never a good idea to anger whoever is holding you captive . . . Never ends well when ya do. . .
The only response I got from him was an amused chuckle.
Slightly late chapter due to eXhAuStIoN, Anyways, Any guesses on where Daxon is taking Corbin?
Anyways! Like always, have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...