The little annoying air powered hero beside me was getting very cold already, It wouldn't do to let him get sick. . .Or frost bitten as was most likely where this was going.
However, I didn't want to leave the little shadow boy out here all alone, Especially after our very brief realization.
Well. . .He's not really a boy. . .He's a man. . .But my point still stands. . .
Speaking of the boy, He was still currently speaking with his dragons. . .I had no clue what the fluffy worms were saying, But whatever it was, It wasn't making Corbin happy.
I was very much tempted to reach out and try to read the gloomy black haired man's mind.
Thankfully I wasn't ruled by my temptations.
It would greatly damage my plans if I were to push him too much.
With Brion under my control I really had no need for Corbin to be a test subject anymore.
However, Corbin interested me. . .
Thinking about it, It most likely had to do with the fact that we were soulmates.
Despite the fact that my interest might be fully instinctual, I wasn't going to suddenly no longer feel the same way, I for one wasn't one to let things that interest me slip between my fingers.
Speaking of my source of interest.
Corbin was starting to look very concerned and more than a bit distressed as he continued to speak with his dragons.
Deciding that this has gone on long enough, I cleared my throat, Making the sweet little pale boy spin around to most likely glare at me.
Oh if only he could remove those shades. . .Well. . .Once I have perfected my little cure I'm sure I can give him some of it. . .It should remove the side effect of his powers. . .Must be terribly painful and horrible to be harmed by the very thing that humanity loves and set their lives to. . .
''Come now, It is very late and a bit nippy out'' I reminded him, Keeping my voice as soft as I could.
I didn't want to spook him and ruin the comfort I was trying to instill in him after all, Gaining trust takes a while and considering our first meeting. . .His trust was going to be hard earned and easily destroyed if I don't play my cards right.
Corbin just arched an eyebrow at that, Still very hesitant and clearly distrustful.
Which was fair all things considered.
My attention was dragged away from the boy as he muttered something along the lines of 'One second'.
I could feel Brion's mind struggling to take back control over his body.
The distress of how cold he was becoming was helping him slowly regain his control.
No no, That won't do. . .
I shrugged out of my suit jacket, Placing it over Brion's shoulders to help keep him warm.
His mind was slowly starting to weaken again.
Good. . .
His thoughts alone were quite unpleasant to listen to, How he views the world and others was revolting.
With his mind weakened again, Not only did I have control over his body but I also didn't have to be bombarded by his thoughts.
Still, Is was good to reach out every now and then and make sure things weren't going too badly inside his head.
With that in mind, I reached out, Intending to listen in on Brion's thoughts to make sure there wasn't another issue I needed to deal with.
I was used to the loud mixed thoughts I tended to get while in a crowd of people, But one line of thinking stood out from the others.
'I can't imagine that's actually any warmer. . .Sure they both look hot in their suits but they've got to be incredibly uncomfortable'
Reaching my hand up, I pretended to hide a yawn, Instead, Hiding a smile.
How sweet. . .I'll have to teach though that clothes can still look good while functioning well though. . .
Subtly, I looked him up and down, Considering what clothes would look good on him.
''Fine. . .Where are you trying to take me this time.'' Corbin questioned, His voice weary and tired.
He changed his mind?. . .Interesting. . .
''Back to my house of course, It'd be very rude to not do so after such an. . .Interesting night'' I murmured, Glancing pointedly towards the wall he had pinned me up against.
Which was quite hot. . .But I very much would have preferred being the one doing the pinning. . .In a much more clean area than a random alleyway.
He nervously rubbed at his neck, Looking away as though embarrassed. . .Or upset.
''I'm not apologizing for that.'' He said bluntly, Making me arch my eyebrows slightly.
He thought I was upset over that? . . .Now that's not ideal. . .Not ideal in the least bit. . .
''I would be quite disappointed if you did'' I assured him, Moving to loosely loop my arm around his waist as I tried to guide him away towards my home.
Huh. . .Awfully skinny. . .Might be for the best to see if I can get him to eat something. . .
He let out a sigh before reaching out and removing my arm from his waist which was, Again, Fair enough.
Much to my pleasant surprise though, He stayed following beside me.
What a nice development. . .
I kept my head held high as I led both of my little pets through the crowd and towards my house.
The people around us gave us all very judging looks as we passed.
''You know they most likely think you're a pimp right?'' Corbin said suddenly while we were walking, Making me pause.
Surely that's not true. . .
One simple check with my mind and his statement was proven right.
Frowning, I shook my head in disappointment.
People and their assumptions. . .
Spotting a cab driving past, An idea struck me.
Pausing, I picked up my phone and calmly called for a cab.
I could see confusion on Corbin's face as I continued waiting patiently for the most likely safer means of transportation.
Such a shame that I can't take them for a nice peaceful walk without people making assumptions. . .
Late chapter and everything. . .
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romantizm-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...