Late chapter. . .Very late
''How the hell do you know my name'' I demanded of the villain in front of me, My dragons slowly slipping out of their bag as I spoke.
I could see him watching my dragons out of the corner of his eye.
Not wanting him to focus too much on them, I stormed forwards, Slamming my hands down on the wall on either side of him, Trapping him.
I could see his eyebrows arch in surprise at that move.
Despite that, He remained calm and docile.
''You're the only person with shadow based powers in seemingly this whole state, Once I got my hands on the albeit few medical records that stated your name, It was easy to match a face to the name'' He explained thoroughly, Making my heart sink.
I didn't think the doctors I have ever gone to had taken down my name or powers. . .The fact that information like that exists out there somewhere was making me as uneasy as I could be.
He seemed to pick up on my unease, If the fact that he was lowering and gentling his voice before speaking was anything to go by.
''You don't need to be too concerned, It was highly restricted to the doctor that attended to you and or anyone who needs to take over his patients while he is gone'' The other villain assured me in his velvety soft tone.
'I bet he's really good at gaslighting people. . .' Tene interjected into the tense silence between us.
'That's not something to be proud of' Eige pointed out, Floating up to my shoulder as he spoke.
The villain in front of me let out an interested noise, His attention now fully on my dragon.
I didn't like that considering his track record with things he was interested in.
''So. . .You what? Broke into the only good hospital around and rummaged through their records?. . .You better not have hurt the good doctor.'' I growled out, Snapping the last part as I considered what I went through at his hands.
Considering the amount of pain I was in under his care when he wasn't trying to hurt me, I didn't want to think of the pain anyone he might be torturing would be going through.
''No no no, I wouldn't do that. . .His beloved wife has fallen ill and he has taken a few days off of work to care for her, I took over some of his patients for him during said time and was permitted to read through some of the more interesting patient documents, The ones who need extra precautions done'' The villain explained, His explanation both soothing some of my worries and making more worries.
'They let someone like him become a doctor? That is really. . .Irresponsible' Eige muttered as Tene also floated up towards me, Cali held in his paws.
Cali was dropped very abruptly on top of my head before the dragon who had hauled him up off the ground landed on my shoulder, Bearing his teeth at the villain in front of us.
''As. . .Confusingly attractive as all this is, It is rather nippy out and you are hardly dressed enough to be out in such cold weather'' He had the audacity to say, Being the one who had brought me out of my perfectly warm-ish apartment and into the cold street.
''It's not that cold out. If you don't like it you can always go back to your home.'' I grumbled as his attention seemed to shift away from my dragons and I.
He hummed quietly before I saw air head slowly move closer to him in the janky movements that he had been moving with when the other villain and I were walking down the sidewalk.
''That is a lovely idea'' The Villain purred out, Easily removing my arms from either side of him, Freeing himself without much to any effort.
I backed away, Narrowing my eyes but dropping down the shadows that had enclosed all of us.
Like a tone deaf idiot, The other villain looped his arm around mine, Catching me by surprise as he started to tug me along beside him as he walked.
''What. Do you think you're doing?'' I questioned, Attempting to pull my arm out of his grip only to be proven once again that he was a lot stronger than his immaculate suited self appeared.
''We're going back to my home of course'' He said with the upmost calm, Air head moving to walk on his other side.
''Hell no'' I grumbled, Trying to squirm free from his grasp.
Again, He didn't budge, But he did stop walking, Turning instead to face me as he waited out my brief struggle.
When it became abundantly clear that I wasn't getting free, I relented to his patient hold, Giving him an annoyed glare.
''So you're planning on kidnapping me again?'' I questioned coldly only for him to give me a small closed lipped smile.
''Last I checked, You're not a kid'' He pointed out in his velvety lilting voice, Clearly trying to get me in a better mood by making that oh so common joke.
I didn't even let out a huff.
He was about to say something else when he paused and glanced over at Air head.
I didn't see anything wrong with the situation, But he seemingly did based upon the fact that the other villain moved to gently hold Air head close in a semi hug.
'Did he fuck up the windy bastard too? Is that why he's acting so concerned for Air head?' Tene questioned, Using the nickname we had come up with for the 'hero'.
'He did act concerned over us when he had drugged us so. . .There's a high chance. . .' Eige commented, The dragons having moved into my bag my now.
As they were talking, I heard a distressed whine from Cali before the little dragon wormed his way out of the bag, Launching into my arms and burying himself as close as he could to me, Hiding his head in the crook of my arm.
''Cali? What's wrong?'' I questioned quietly as the other Villain's attention turned towards us.
'Can't go home! Have to go with him!' Cali insisted firmly, Sounding upset and panicked.
Very late chapter but. . .Things are going to get interesting. . .
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...