Corbin Pov
Of fucking course.
I hid behind the counter, Not because I was scared.
Quite the opposite actually, I was pissed.
Today was going okay all things considered, Until Blaze showed up.
Now I used my powers in front of a lot of people without wearing my costume to hide my identity.
I couldn't just go and wrap shadows around me or some shit, Too many people were in this now surprisingly small coffee shop, Even one person suddenly disappearing would be noticed.
Moving back over to the sink, I filled another pitcher with water before hurrying back to the counter, Still crouched down.
I handed the pitcher to Kate before going back to fill up another one.
Small fires had broken out around Blaze as two heros arrived.
'Pretty sure they were here originally. . .' Eige commented quietly, Catching my attention.
That's. . .Just great. Of course some heros were here. . .
I couldn't see where Tene was but I could hear him muttering something to someone.
Cali was hiding with Eige, Meaning he was also safe.
Now just to figure out how to keep the patrons here safe as well. . .
Spotting a small fire nearby, I proceeded to quickly splash some of the water from the pitcher onto it, Putting it out.
'That's it. . .She starts most of the fires on herself and directs them outwards. . .If we coat her in water than maybe it'll stop her, At least long enough that the heros can do their job for once' Eige suggested, Excitement in his voice as he spoke.
Nodding slowly, I glared back up at the ex-hero.
She was distracted, Ducking back down, I hurriedly explained the brief version of Eige's plan to Kate.
At her nod, We both tossed our pitchers of water onto the currently flaming woman.
I winced slightly as she let out an ear piercing shriek.
Thankfully, The heros took the chance and working together, They knocked her out before cuffing her.
Daxon helped them cuff her for some odd reason.
Well he did seem to know her. . .Maybe he's just helping because he feels partly responsible for her. . .
People slowly started to get up, Moving out of their hiding spots.
Some of them were still shaking.
As soon as my eyes landed on Ian, I moved around the counter to go check on him.
''Ian, You alright? You didn't get singed did you?'' I questioned quietly, Helping him up as soon as I reached him.
He gave me a grateful smile, Leaning into me slightly as he finally stood up.
''I'm fine just. . .A bit dazed. . .'' He admitted, His voice quieter than normal.
I could feel worry starting to form in my heart as my mind started to wonder why he was being so quiet.
Is he hurt? Is he scared?. . .Well that last one would make sense but still. . .
''You didn't get hurt either did you? I mean it was pretty bright in here and all. . .'' Ian questioned, Seeming to remember the fact that light hurts me.
I opened my mouth, About to answer him when Daxon approached us.
''It'll be for the best if everyone steps outside, At least until we can be sure her fires didn't damage anything important to the building's structure'' He said calmly to the remaining people in the small cafe.
Sighing, I turned back to the counter, Holding out my hand to help Kate step over some of the broken glass and charred plants that littered the ground.
Her giant of a boyfriend was following close behind her, Looking very concerned.
'We'll head out the employee entrance' Eige informed me when I managed to glance at him.
I gave him a subtle nod before ushering my friends and Ian out of the shop.
Stepping out into the afternoon sun, I covered my sunglasses slightly with my hand as the change in light level caught me off guard.
It's been so long since I've ever left work this early.
''Are all the customers accounted for?'' Kate asked, Going into concerned manager mode, Turning to Ian and I as she spoke.
''Seems like it'' I muttered, Not bothering to do more than glance at them to be sure.
She rolled her eyes but shrugged anyways.
''Good enough I guess'' She muttered before falling silent as Daxon and his friends approached us.
I glanced over at Ian when he grabbed onto my hand suddenly, His grip tight as he moved closer to my side.
'. . .Ooh, He's being all tough and brave. . .How kinky' Tene spoke up from inside Ian's shirt, Nearly making me choke on thin air.
I had to turn away from everyone to try and hide my reaction.
''Ian, You alright?'' Daxon asked as soon as he was close to the cute little blonde and I.
His voice was gently and velvety with a rougher edge to it, As if he had a habit of breathing in smoke.
''I'm fine. . .'' Ian muttered, Moving closer to my side.
The fact his body was tense did not go past my notice.
Slowly, I released his hand, Draping my arm protectively over Ian's shoulders, Holding him close.
It didn't matter much, Daxon's attention had changed from Ian to me by now.
''And you Corbin? Her fires didn't hurt your eyes did they?'' Daxon continued, Reaching out a hand towards me as he spoke.
Narrowing my eyes, I loosely grabbed his wrist, Stopping him from bringing his hand any closer to my face.
''I'm fine. A little light won't hurt me if I have my shades.'' I informed him as I pushed his hand away, Releasing his wrist.
Ian had moved to stand slightly behind me by now, Confusing me further.
What was said to make him so skittish?
'If they hurt him. A little arson is going to be the least of their worries' I heard Tene growl out quietly from inside Ian's shirt before the woman hero with Daxon spoke up.
''See what we mean? You'd be able to protect him'' This other hero said, Making Ian grimace slightly, Looking down to the sidewalk below.
Clenching my empty hand into a fist, I narrowed my eyes.
''What's that supposed to mean. What are you lot trying to force him to do.'' I growled out, My eyes narrowed behind my glasses as I spoke.
The lady at least had enough sense to hold up her hands in an attempt to placate me.
''We're not forcing him to do anything, We're just encouraging him to become a hero'' She insisted, Making my heart clench slightly with disgust.
''And what was his original response to said invitation?'' I questioned, My grip on Ian's hand tightening slightly.
You better say he said yes or I'm going to flip out on you for not taking No as an answer.
Corbin's not in the mood to deal with Bs.
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...