Back to Corbin's Pov. . .
It was weird, Heading into work this morning.
Normally, I'd hear my dragons chatting with me, Eige grumbling about being up so early, Tene doing his best to get on Eige's nerves and Cali happily pointing out the beauty in the early morning world.
Instead, I walked to work with deafening silence in my mind.
I hate this.
Add onto that, The fact that despite my powers being gone, I still had the same weaknesses as when I had power.
The first few customers who came in were faced with my full blown grumpy attitude.
After a while though, The word must have spread among them, Soon, Almost no one was in my line.
Sighing, I leaned back slightly, Dragging my hand down my face, Exhausted.
I could feel one of my dragons curl closer to me, A small trill like whine coming from said dragon.
My body tensed up slightly in brief alarm before I forced myself to calm down, No one seemed to have noticed.
I crouched down, Pretending to check the cabinet as I looked inside my apron.
Cali stared back at me from inside with sad puppy dog like eyes.
I could feel the coldness of my heart melting slightly at the sight.
Gently, I ran my fingers through the soft fur that ran down his back.
Much to my shock, For once, I could feel my touch.
Normally when someone else would touch one of my dragons, I'd feel their touch as if they were touching me.
It's never happened before when I touched my dragons.
On one hand, That must mean I was still connected somehow to my dragons, Much more so then I was last night, On the other hand, This wasn't supposed to be happening.
Pulling my hand back, I stared in shock down at the equally confused dragon for a solid minute before realizing, I was still feeling someone's touch.
Oh thank goodness, It's just someone else touching my dragons. . .
The relief that came with that thought was instantly dashed as I realized, Someone else is touching one of my dragons.
Making sure Cali was well hidden, I hurriedly stood back up, My eyes scanning the cafe for whoever was touching my dragon.
The feeling of a hand running down my back continued for a moment before stopping as my attention landed on the source of said feeling.
The elderly villain gave me a small smile, Eige, The dragon he had been petting, Was tucked up under his coat, Out of sight of the customers in here.
The tension that had formed in my body quickly relaxed at the sight of him.
Glancing over at Jake, I could see hi glancing over at grandpa as well.
We stared at each other for a moment before he nodded his head slightly, Turning back to his work.
I took the offered help he was giving and proceeded to head back into the employee breakroom, Trusting grandpa to follow.
Sitting down in one of the chairs in the room, I took off my apron, Holding it so as Eige jumped out from under grandpa's coat, He could still be shaded from the dimly lit light in said room.
I held my dragons close as grandpa settled down in one of the chairs with a dramatic groan.
''I don't mean to sound like I don't like your visits but. . .What are you doing here grandpa?'' I asked as Eige slipped up under my shirt, Settling in close to my heart.
The old man smiled patiently at that before sighing, Content to take his time.
''A rumor has spread that Poisoned Thought got his hands on you and used you in one of his experiments'' Grandpa started, Making my brows furrow in confusion for a moment before I realized that he must be talking about the clone villain.
''. . .Yeah. . .He took my powers away. . .Or at the very least, Somehow made me unable to use them'' I explained as he reached into his coat pocket.
''I guessed as much, You see, He had come to some of us older villains earlier this year, Asking if we had any apprentices that we could give to him for him to test on'' Grandpa explained as he pulled a needle out of his coat pocket.
''One of the other. . .'Experienced' villains, Managed to dig around in his mind a bit and find out what he was intending to do with any powered apprentice he could get his hands on'' Grandpa explained as he un-capped the needle.
I felt my insides squirm slightly at the glint of light reflecting off the needle, The memory of needles being pushed into my skin making me un-easy.
''Hold out your arm Corbin'' Grandpa instructed, Waiting patiently as I hesitated.
''What. . .Is that?'' I asked even as I held my arm out, As nervous as I was, I trusted grandpa, He helped raise me after all, If he was going to kill me or something, Then I was just going to accept death.
''We were very concerned about what he was planning, So, Using the advantage we had of already knowing what he created, We made an antidote for it'' Grandpa explained simply as he handed me the needle, Thankfully not sticking me with it.
''So. . .This will fix me?'' I asked worriedly, Hope blooming inside my heart.
Grandpa grimaced slightly at my choice of words before sighing.
''Yes, This should repair your powers by tomorrow morning, However, I've gotta warn you, It hurts like hell for a long time'' He explained before getting up with a sigh.
I stared down at the liquid filled needle I was loosely holding in my hand.
''It's up to you to decide if you want your powers back or. . .If you want to remain without them'' Grandpa informed me, His voice gentle as he spoke before he turned and left.
Looking back down at the needle, I pushed my sunglasses up slightly as I considered my options.
I've never thought about it but. . .If I don't take this then I can lead a normal life. . .No more being attacked for the powers I was born with. . .No more worrying that someone will find out who I was and end up ruining my life. . .
I could be normal. . .
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...