Chapter 14: New danger?

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Annnd we get a new mystery. . .


''I'm not fully sure who did it personally, But I do know what group they work for'' The man explained, His hand idly fiddling with the complex cuff on his wrist.

''And it is??'' I asked slowly, Ever so slightly annoyed that I had to keep dragging the story out of him.

''Ever hear of the menders?'' He asked, Glancing around nervously as he spoke.

I let out a tired sigh, My hand moving up to pinch at the bridge of my nose.

Great. Another cryptic group. Why the hell do there have to be so many of them?

''Nope, What do they do?'' I asked, Moving my slightly disturbed shades back into place.

''Not really sure, I wasn't in their captivity that long before I escaped, I did hear however that kidnapping powered people to use in tests'' He explained, His voice hushed.

''. . . So. . . A person who hunts down, And kidnaps powered people was watching me and you just assumed we were friends?'' I asked bluntly, Having gotten caught up on that little tiny detail.

He opened his mouth, About to say something before he paused.

'Careful now, You don't want to actually use that brain up there, Who knows what might happen' Tene snarked out before Eige wacked him upside the head.

''When you put it that way I sound like a idiot. . .'' He muttered sheepishly.

'You are.' Tene said before getting kicked again by Eige.

I tensed up my jaw, Resisting the urge to break up the little fight between those two.

For fucks sake, No wonder my body is always so sore. . .

''Well, I'm sure it was spur of the moment. . .'' I said, Glancing down at the cuff again.

''So I'm gonna guess you have powers. . .'' The man said, Leaning back a bit more on the wall that he was sitting under.

His posture was a bit more relaxed now, Giving off the affect that he trusted me.

''I might'' I said, Neither confirming nor denying.

He gave me a small pinched smile, ''Right. . . Better not admit to it, Who knows who's listening in. . .'' He guessed.

I got up, Slinging my bag over my shoulder.

''And on that topic, We better be parting ways'' I pointed out, In all honesty, I didn't give a rats ass if someone heard us, However, I was already drained from a long day and chatting with a stranger wasn't helping.

''Yeah. . . I better go try to get this off'' The man said, Getting up as well.

''No offence to you, But I hope to never see you again'' I said as politely as I could, Both of us walking out of the ally way side by side.

A small gruff bark like chuckle came from the man, ''Same here'' He said, Giving me a small salute before walking off, His hands stuffed in his pockets.

'. . . Why do we always attract the weird ones?' Eige asked quietly, Surprising me at the fact he said something like that.

After a second I heard him whisper, 'Hell, Did I say that? Damn, I need to stop staying around Tene. . .'

'Come to the dark side!' Tene teased back, I noted that my bag was rustling as the dragons tumbled around in the confined space.

It's. . . Gonna be a long night. . .

--- Time skip ---

Sighing tiredly, I leaned my head on my apartment's front door.

My body felt like it was being weighed down by chains, My eyes tingling slightly as they begged for sleep.

My dragons were already ahead of me on that.

All three of them were curled up in a little ball inside my bag, The two. . . Saner dragons were curled around Cali, Protecting the smaller one.

Before I could open the front door I heard it start to unlock.

I opened my eyes, Looking up in surprise to meet Ian's worried eyes.

''Oh gosh, Corbin are you alright?'' He asked worriedly, Moving out of the doorway as I walked inside.

I let out a tired sigh as an answer, My eyes looking around for Lily.

''I put her to bed already'' Ian said, Following behind me.

I glanced back at him, Relief in my eyes.

''You. Are a god send'' I whispered out tiredly before heading over to the sofa, Face planting down into the soft thing.

I heard the other boy quickly cover a laugh, Pretending to be coughing instead.

''Long day?'' He managed to get out, A tiny giggle escaping him.

 ''Very'' I mumbled, Slowly sitting up, Having felt like I was dramatic enough already.

Sighing, I unzipped my bag, Revealing the sleeping bundle of dragons inside.

I heard a quiet 'Dawww' from Ian as I carefully pulled Cali out of the middle of the pile.

''Can you put him in with Lily? I'm pretty sure he's made her his honorary sister'' I explained as I handed the still sleeping dragon to the cute other boy.

''Right! Got it!'' He said, His voice hushed so as to not wake up the dragon.

A fond smile formed on my face as I picked Eige out of the bag as well, Setting him down on the couch I tried to pull Tene out next.

Of course the sleeping dragon couldn't be easy though.

Just like a cat, When I picked him up from his middle he turned all floppy, Making it a struggle to pull him out.

After a bit of work I had the dark grey dragon laying down with Eige on the couch.

Sitting back down, I laid my head back on the cushion behind me, My heavily tinted shades set on the table behind the couch.

After a moment I heard footsteps approaching the couch, Opening my eyes I looked up at the blonde who was carefully making his way to the couch.

I felt a smile form on my face when he sat down next to me.

We both remained in comfortable yet tired silence for a while.

I opened my mouth to thank the boy next to me before I noticed, He was already asleep, His head nearly resting on my shoulder.

. . . Hell. . .

We really fell quickly for him. . .

'Of course we did, Everyone wants a little ray of joy in their lives after all' Eige pointed out quietly, The dark blueish dragon half asleep.

. . . Huh. . .

I reached a hand out, Gently nudging the other boy's head so it was resting on my shoulder, My hand resting on his hair protectively as I closed my tired eyes.


A new mystery group! Any guesses if their 'good' or 'bad'?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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