Chapter 32: Distraction. . .

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I could feel my heart racing, Some of the nearby shadows started to ripple slightly at my mounting panic, Responding without my intent.

Oh shit oh shit oh-

Daxon was slowly starting to get up, A frown on his face before there was a sudden and very loud thud from outside the shop.

Everyone one froze, Even my dragons.

I risked a glance over at Ian before the shocked spell seemed to be broken.

Daxon rushed out of the front door as most of the coffee shop patrons took cover like most people were trained to.

Shoot, Idiot's gonna get himself killed. . .

Taking off my apron, I hurried after the man, Annoyance and concern starting to race through my heart.

Some Villain or hero is just gonna turn him into paste.

As soon as I was out of sight of the Cafe, I pulled the nearby shadows around me as a makeshift costume of sorts. 

Following the sounds of loud thudding and most likely a fight, I very quickly found Daxon.

''Daxon!'' I shouted out to the other man, Making him jump slightly as I caught his attention.

''Shade? What are you doing here. Are you the cause of this?'' Daxon demanded, A sterner edge to his voice.

''Of course not you moron. But what the hell are you doing out here! Are you trying to get turned 2D or something?'' I demanded right back, The concern I had been oddly feeling laced my voice as I spoke.

''Of course not, I-'' He started to say before a chunk of one of the buildings came crashing down towards us.

Before he could react, I reached out to my shadows, Sending them up instantly in a shield to protect both him and I.

I could feel the shock ripple off of the man next to me as the piece of the building was lightly placed down onto the ground.

''Damn it. . .You've gotta get back inside, Whoever's fighting is getting closer'' I hissed out quietly, My shadows dancing slightly at the energy racing through me.

I showed my powers in front of someone who knows my non-villain self. . .

It was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.

I'm so gonna regret this later I'm sure. . .

I heard a sigh from the man next to me before whatever he was going to say was cut off by a woman in a costume was propelled through the air right over our heads.

I winced in sympathy as she hit the brick wall of the sky scrapper behind us.

Reaching out, I pushed Daxon towards the alleyway exit.

Before he could protest or anything, I lifted the shadows around us up into a wall, Keeping him out.

'So. . .You trapped yourself on the other side of a shadow wall. . .What exactly do you plan to do now?' Eige asked quietly, His voice coming from one of the windows on one of the nearby sky scrappers.

'Hush, You know damn well what he's doing. . .' Tene defended.

Slipping down a very small back alley, I winced slightly as my arm got scrapped on one of the brick walls.

'Corbi okay?' Cali asked worriedly as I continued to slowly make my way out of the very tight alley.

''Yeah, I'm fine, This is just a lot tighter of a fit then I had expected it to be'' I whispered quietly as I dropped the shadows masking me.

Shuffling through the final stretch, I let out a sigh as I dropped the shadow wall.

''Right, Time to find Daxon again'' I whispered quietly as I straightened out my shirt, Attempting to hide my now scrapped arm.

My arm that I had gotten wounded last night was throbbing with white hot pain now, However I had gotten used to it enough that it only made slight tears come to my eyes.

Both arms are fucked now. . .Doing much of anything with either of them will hurt. . .

Sighing, I continued towards where I had left Daxon.

''Daxon?? Daxon? Are you out here?'' I called out, A bit of worry tinting my voice when I failed to find him in the Alley with the building chunk.

'Think the fighting people took him?' Eige asked, Actually taking interest despite his exhaustion.

I paused long enough to listen to the very loud thudding from overhead.

'One can only hope he wasn't' Tene whispered back as I continued further into the alleyway.

''Daxon!? Dax-'' I continued to call as I walked deeper into the alleyway.

Before I could continue much longer, A familiar, Bright light hero stepped out from behind the chunk of sky scrapper.

'Oh fuck. . .We should have just left Daxon to survive on his own' Eige grumbled as Golden approached us.

''Cor- I mean, Concerned citizen, You need to get inside and take shelter'' Golden said, His bands of light wrapping around him, Making my eyes hurt despite my sunglasses.

''Sorry, But I can't just yet'' I spoke up, A bit of relief filling me despite the fact a hero was in front of me.

He is my enemy, But he's supposed to be a public protector, Daxon is a public citizen so he should hopefully be helpful in making sure that idiot is okay. . .

'Why we looking for Daxon? We already found him' Cali said quietly from somewhere behind a dumpster. 

'Yes, But then we lost him when we had to leave' Eige pointed out slowly and tiredly.

''Why can't you head inside? You're just putting yourself in danger staying out here'' Golden pointed out, Looking up towards the sky as there was another loud booming thud.

Stepping around the hero, I tensed my jaw as I started to head further into the alley.

''Someone else left the building, I've gotta find him and make sure he's not just bleeding out under some piece of a building'' I stated firmly as I continued deeper into the alley.

Stupid empathy, Making me feel responsible for idiots.

'We could just leave the hero to find him. . .He is just some random stranger, We don't have to go out of our way to make sure he's okay' Tene pointed out.

Tempting. . .But then again. . .I don't think I'd be able to stand not knowing how he's doing. . .I'd just end up being worried for him constantly. . .Like I always am whenever I meet someone struggling. . .

Stupid empathy.


A few of you guessed that Cali knows. . .Yes, He does know, The other dragons do not though. . .So there's that.

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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