:D Late chapter!! Woo. . .
I stared at Daxon with horrified silence, The same feeling echoing through my dragons.
The small, Tired smile that had been on his face slowly started to fall.
He's the hero. . .The one who captured us and hurt my dragons. . .
'Do you think he knows who we are?. . .What if that's why he came to our city in the first place. . .' Eige muttered, Panic in his voice.
'I say we attack and run before he attacks.' Tene hissed out, Sounding equally distressed.
This place is too small. . .Too bright. . .We gotta leave. . .Gotta get out of here. . .Can't draw any attention though. . .
''Corbin? Are you alright?'' Daxon questioned worriedly, Reaching out to cover my hands with his again, Trying to recapture my spiraling attention.
I flinched back away from his touch, Moving my hands out of his reach.
''Corbin. . .'' Daxon started again, Standing up slowly as his voice took on a sterner and more concerned edge to it.
''I'm fine. . .I'm fine. . .I just need to. . .Go collect my thoughts'' I muttered, My voice sounding strained even to my own ears.
Before he could say much more to that, I tugged my apron off and hurried towards the employee break room.
I could feel my dragons continuing to panic as they remained huddling in their hiding spots.
As soon as I stepped inside, I felt a hand at my elbow.
''Corbin, Wait'' He muttered quietly, Holding me in place with his hand, Blocking my exit back into the cafe.
''Look, When Ian and I were talking, He told me you hated heros. . .I don't know what happened to make you hate them, But I want to assure you that you've got nothing to fear from your. . .Boyfriend, Or I'' Daxon continued, His voice hushed as he blocked any customers view of me.
I remained silent, My whole body as tense as physically possible.
'Nothing to fear? You fucking hurt us! What do you mean nothing to fear!' Tene raged quietly.
''Why. . .Why are you telling me this?'' I questioned quietly, Staring into the break room with a blank expression.
He was quiet for a moment before sighing.
''Well. . .Due to the fact that your boyfriend has powers, He is required to train with someone else with powers. . .I was assigned to make sure he at least knows how to control his powers, Because of that. . .We'll all three be seeing a lot more of each other'' He explained, My heart sinking with each word he spoke.
'I think I'm going to be sick. . .' Eige whispered, Horrified as nearly crippling fear ran off my dragons in waves.
Cali was as silent as a church mouse, But that didn't mean he didn't have any input on all of this.
Oddly enough, He didn't feel scared, The feelings I was getting from him were closer to anxiety than to fear.
''I figured It'd be better to have everything out in the open before anything happens'' Daxon explained 'kindly'.
I nodded numbly before looking back up to him, Knowing damn well he couldn't see my eyes.
''Is that it?'' I questioned numbly, My brain already hurrying to try and figure out how we could all get away.
He hesitated slightly before releasing my arm with a nod, Taking a small step back.
''Yes, That's all I wanted to tell you. . .Although I wouldn't mind still chatting with you'' He said, Adding on the last part with a soft and gentle tone to his voice.
I shut the break room door in his face without a second thought.
Slowly, I slid down to the ground, Sitting down at the base of the door as I held my head in my hands.
. . .Fucking hell. . .It's too early and I'm too tired to mentally deal with this. . .
--- Time skip ---
Daxon had left by the time I got myself back together and left the break room.
There was a note waiting for me. . .According to my dragons, It was from Daxon.
I didn't read it. . .I didn't really want to know what else he had to tell me seeing as I was still reeling from the last things he told me.
Steeling my remaining nerves, I finished my shift before hurrying home, Ian having called off our planned lunch meeting was concerning me as I walked home.
'. . .I have a bad feeling Daxon has something to do with that. . .' Eige whispered from inside my bag.
'We're going to have to fight him again before this is all over. . .Aren't we. . .' Tene whispered as well, Sounding annoyed and tired.
'I don't wanna fight him again. . .We're not supposed to attack each other. . .' Cali squeaked out sadly.
'Cali, Now's not the time for your odd gibberish' Eige chided quietly as we made it to our apartment.
I unlocked my front door, Frowning when I noticed a window and the curtain covering it were both open.
Someone's in the house. . .Someone other than Ian. . .
I slowly set my keys down on the nearby counter, Eige dropping down from my bag and closing the door behind me as I slowly drifted closer to the knife block resting on my counter.
Tene dragged Cali out of my bag as Eige joined him, The two of them working together to get all three of them to their hiding spot as I grabbed my longest kitchen knife as I grabbed onto the other remaining knives with my shadow tendrils.
Alright. . .This day just gets worse and worse. . .Why did I expect the day to stay good?. . .
I slowly and systematically made my way through my small apartment, Checking each room with both my shadows and my eyes.
Nothing in the kitchen/living room area, Nothing in the bathroom and nothing in the small linen closet. . .
That leaves my bedroom. . .
Mmmmm An intruder. . .
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...