Ian and I had fallen into an embarrassed but peaceful silence with each other.
Neither of us wanted to be the first one to speak to the other, But the silence that stayed between us though wasn't feeling awkward.
I continued working my job, Getting people coffees and trying not to say the sarcastic comments Tene would make, Directed at the ruder customers.
While I worked, I could see Ian watching me over his cup of coffee out of the corner of my eye.
We exchanged small smiles every now and again when I would walk past him.
It was nice, It was keeping me fairly calm.
That all changed when a certain pepper and salt haired man walked in through the door, A tired but happy smile on his face as he approached the counter.
I could see Ian tense up slightly, Staring down into his coffee as Daxon approached.
''Good morning Corbin'' He greeted as soon as he got his coffee from Jake.
Arching an eyebrow, I just hummed quietly in greeting, Staring blankly at the empty space in front of my station at the counter.
Daxon placed his hand on the counter right next to mine, Catching my attention as his fingers gently brushed against mine.
''I heard about what happened here yesterday'' He started as I pulled my hand away from his.
A frown made it's way onto my face as I slowly shifted away from him, Pushing my sunglasses up slightly just making sure they were in place.
A sympathetic look appeared on his face as he watched me.
''How are you feeling?'' He asked, Lowering his voice as if he was talking to a skittish animal or child.
Letting out a heavy sigh, I looked away from him.
''I'm fine.'' I snapped out, A small part of me squirming with un-ease at the amount of attention he was focusing on me.
It's never good to have a hero's undivided attention. . .
The small ring of the bell over the door drew my attention towards the two people walking in.
They seemed familiar, But I couldn't put my finger on why.
Based upon the way Ian tensed up, I guessed I wasn't the only one who recognized them.
'. . .Well that's always a good s-gn. . .' Eige muttered sarcastically, His voice echoing around in my head.
My sweet dragon's voices were doing better but the connection was still spotty, Making words crackle and cut out slightly every now and again.
'Think we have brain damage or some shit? W-'ve been getting feelings like this a lot lately. . .' Tene commented quietly.
I ignored the little shadows as the two customers approached Jake, Ordering two coffees before taking the cups to a nearby table.
Much to my surprise, Daxon got up, Moving over to sit with the two customers.
'Think they w-rk together or something?' Eige questioned as I went back to work making coffee for people.
Things were peaceful after that, Eventually, We even hit a brief lull in the customers.
Leaning on the counter, I smiled up at Ian, Tired but happy to spend time with him.
It was comforting being around him, Oddly enough.
I didn't really mind though, Sure I noticed how odd it was that he and I trusted each other so much, But that odd trust kept me from worrying too much.
''Do you. . .Wanna hang out together once you're done with work?'' Ian asked quietly, Leaning forwards as I leaned back, Allowing us to be side to side with each other.
''Sure. . .Wanna head to the park?'' I asked, Taking a wild guess at what he'd like to do.
Ian just smiled, Equally tired looking.
''What about a movie?'' He asked, Moving his hand close to mine until our fingers were just barely touching.
I smiled slightly at that, My eyes drifting closed behind my sunglasses.
Before I could relax further, The sound of footsteps approaching the counter made me stand back up straight.
Daxon gave me a small warm slime as he placed his hand on Ian's shoulder.
''Sorry, But I need to steal your friend for a moment'' Daxon said gently to me before tugging Ian away towards the table the other two people were sitting at.
Frowning, I was about to say something before the bell above the door dinged, Reminding me I needed to get back to work.
- - - Ian Pov - - -
Swallowing nervously, I reluctantly followed behind Daxon.
I really didn't want to talk to him or the other two undercover heros here, I just wanted to sit and spend time with Corbin.
Lately I have been feeling like I was living in a jar of molasses, My movements felt slow, My brain felt slow, And I got exhausted quickly.
For some reason, I didn't feel nearly as bad after visiting with Corbin, Even if the visit is brief.
I didn't feel as strongly about Daxon, I did feel a bit more normal around him, But it wasn't as strong as the feeling I got around Corbin and his dragons.
I tensed up slightly as Daxon put a hand on my shoulder, Gently pushing me down to one of the chairs at the table with the other two under cover heros.
The few plants in here seemed to shiver with nervous energy, Things weren't looking good.
''So. . .You're the young teen with powers Daxon has been talking about'' One of them started, His voice almost curious sounding as he discreetly looked me up and down.
His partner was far less discreet as she blatantly stared at me as if she could see all the way to my soul.
Considering some powers. . .She might be. . .
''He's explained to us that you are a bit. . .Reluctant to pick up the mantle of hero or even just sidekick'' He continued before his partner butted in.
''We're here to discuss your choices in this matter.'' she stated bluntly before Daxon sighed quietly, Placing his hand on my shoulder again as I tensed up.
''Now then, Why don't you just calm down and listen, Alright? We're not asking you to make any choices today, Just that you listen to your options'' He explained kindly as the other two watched on.
. . .Choices? What are they talking about. . .What bad thing have I just stumbled upon. . .
:T well there's that
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...