Chapter 8: Plant boy

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Alllright, Second part of the fight. . .


I scurried back slightly as he landed on the roof, Lines of light swirling out and caging in the roof.

I glanced nervously down at Kate, Still standing between the fainted girl and the hero.

He didn't say anything, Instead a line of light snapped out at me, Circling tightly around my waist.

I winced as Tene was crushed against me, Both of us hurting as our joint pain formed a echo chamber of sorts for pain.

I curled in on myself slightly as the light line grew larger until it was the size of a rope, It's path starting to curl upwards and crush my ribs slightly.

I heard his footsteps approach me as Tene nearly passed out, Both of our bodies burning in pain as the eye stingingly bright ropes managed to get through my shirt enough to burn Tene's skin and by default, Mine.

I could feel tears in my eyes at the pain and the sheer brightness.

I curled in on myself even further, My body trembling as my head was nearly touching the gravel of the roof below.

I noticed two things as I tried not to collapse to the floor completely.

One, The Hero was directly in front of me, Easily within grabbing distance if I wasn't about to pass out due to the pain.

I heard the rustle of clothes before I felt a hand gently rest on my head as the light ropes continued to wrap around me, Leaving agony in their wake.

Two, My body formed just enough darkness for a shadow. . .

Inhaling, I forced my sore lungs to keep moving as I tried to focus my attention on the cool and soothing darkness below me.

I absently heard the quiet sound of shoes on gravel before I gathered up the shadow under me.

'I question how good of a idea that is' I heard Eige whisper in my head, Snooping on me even from miles away.

I know, But it's the best so far. . .

With that in mind, I sent the shadow out from under me, Right at the hero crouched down in front of me.

''Heck-'' The hero muttered as I managed to knock him off balance.

I grabbed onto the rope, Hissing under my breath as I pulled it off over my head, The light burning my eyes as it passed my face.

The Hero and I both stumbled back to our feet, The shadow I had managed to make was destroyed as soon as I moved.

Thank you for your sacrifice little shadow. . .

I narrowed my eyes against the brightness, Tene was currently out like a light inside my shirt.

My skin felt like I had been sunburned on every inch of my body, In other words, I hurt, A lot.

Glancing over at Kate, I noticed she was gone.

Must have woken up and hid. . . Well at least I don't have to worry about her now.

I slowly backed up until I felt my heel hit the edge of the roof.

Glancing back at the much darker street below, A thought popped into my head.

Looking back at the hero, He appeared to be thinking the same thing I was.

''Don't do it, It's not worth it kid'' He pretty much pleaded as I moved to step up onto the edge.

Either I'll be able to make enough shadows to escape, Or I'll die. . . Hopefully.

Either way the pain I was in would be over.

I could see the bands of light thickening as the hero tried to stop me from getting away, Key word, Tried.

I noticed a gap in the ropes, Before it could close I ducked down and slipped out under the rope.

I heard a shouted 'No!' before the sound of rushing wind filled my ears as I plummeted towards the ground.

Reaching out to the shadows around me, I tried to pull them close to cushion my fall however, They didn't respond.

Fuck, It was too bright on the roof. . . I'm disconnected from the shadows. . .

You never really noticed how long a fall is until you're actually falling.

Guess I'm gonna die. . .

I could feel the concern from Cali and Eige as my mind started to retreat inside it's barriers, The ground closing in much quicker than I expected.

As I continued to plummet towards the ground, I started to notice small vines on the building reaching out and grabbing onto me.

Much to my surprise, As more grabbed onto me, My descent slowed and I was pulled closer to the building.

Just as my decent was stopped and I was tugged in through a open window, The light hero made it to the edge of the building, Clearly having hurried.

I heard the window close as the plants abruptly dropped me onto the floor.

Now that the adrenaline had worn off I realized how fast I was actually falling.

How the hell am I still alive?

I let out a sigh as the pain started to ebb away from my skin, The whole office floor I was laying on was fully dark, Only a small filtered haze of light coming in from the window.

I closed my eyes briefly, Assuming my savior to be a fellow villain, After all, No one else bothers.

''You okay?'' A timid voice asked, Interrupting the soothing bliss I was feeling as the shadows around me eased my pain.

I slowly opened my eyes, Staring up at a strawberry blonde haired boy who was nervously looking down at me.

''Oh gosh, I told you guys to set him down easily-'' The boy started to say to the plants nearby only for one of them to send a vine out and trip the poor kid.

Luckily, My shadows weren't so disobedient.

Reaching out to them, I didn't even ask them yet to move out when they swirled around, Cushioning my hero's fall.

''What?'' He asked quietly, Sounding confused as my shadows dispersed back to their original places.

Yeah. . . What the hell.


Alright, Yet another hecking late chapter, Any guesses on how this new blonde boy is going to react to Corbin?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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