Corbin's still alive. . .
I sat down in the bathroom in my apartment, My head in my hands.
My eyes were still sore but at least I had my vision back, Very blurry vision but vision none the less.
The older Hero that had offered to take me to the hospital had hung around for a while to make sure my friends had everything under control.
His partner, The angry lady Hero, Had dragged Airhead out of the shop very quickly, Looking like she might just rip his head off.
The officers had followed her out, Based upon the sound of it.
Thankfully, They seemed to have forgotten about their accusation towards Kate. . .
Is the pain I'm in really worth all of this?. . .Yeah. . .Guess it was a lucky thing Airhead removed my sunglasses. . .
I rubbed at my eyes before opening them, Staring into my pitch black bathroom.
The darkness of the room helped to sooth me quite a bit.
I felt safe even if I was in slight pain.
Laying down on my side, I listened to the quiet click of my dragon's claws on the tile.
'-bin, Oka- ?' Eige asked, His voice cutting in and out as he spoke like a very old phone.
I had taken the shot not too long after grandpa gave it to me. . .It was finally starting to show visible change in me by now.
All three of my dragons were sticking close to me, Never straying out of arms reach.
I couldn't do much more then make my shadows twitch, But that was better then what I could do this morning.
Laying down on the cold bathroom tile, I closed my eyes, Letting them rest as my dragons slowly disappeared before being replaced with a large warm weight leaning against my back.
I leaned in closer to Gloaming as he curled up around me, Shielding me from the cold.
--- Time skip ---
I was feeling better the next morning, My dragons' voices still cut out every now and again, But it was doing a lot better.
My shadows were responding fairly quickly to me, I couldn't do much with them and controlling them felt a lot light using a muscle I had over used or strained.
Still, I was in a fairly good mood thanks to my luck so far.
And here I was worrying that the antidote wouldn't work. . .
'Why the fuck is that -ird screaming so loudly? Can't it go be horny elsewhere?' Eige grumbled out quietly from my bag as we headed to work, The city still waking up around us as we walked.
'What makes you think it's horny? Maybe it's just -onely, You really need to get your mind out of the -utter!' Tene teased before my jaw suddenly stung and a small yelp came from my bag.
I considered scolding them, But before I could, Cali spoke up.
'I fount a pretty flower in the gutt-rs once!' Cali chirped out happily.
'That was a weed.' Eige grumbled back.
Sighing, I pushed open the door to the coffee shop.
''Weed or flower, The only difference between them is dependent on who's viewing them, A weed is a plant that might serve a purpose, Or it might not'' I muttered to them as I put on my apron and tied back my hair, My shadowy dragons hopping out of my bag and hiding around the shop.
''A flower might also have a purpose, Or it might not, There really isn't a difference between them if you think about it, We only call certain plants weeds because they don't fit into our tiny little plans of perfection'' I finished as Kate walked in, Pausing with a frown on her face.
''Bin? You alright over there? You don't need to lay down or something do ya?'' She asked, Sounding genuinely concerned.
''Why do you ask?'' I questioned as she moved to turn over the sign on the door, Unlocking it for the customers.
Before she could say anything to answer my question, A familiar strawberry blonde hurried in, Making a bee-line to me.
''Corbin! Are you okay?'' He demanded, Worry in his voice and his wide horrified eyes.
I could feel my shoulders relaxing slightly as the other boy stopped just in front of me.
Why I had been tense with a nagging feeling only he seemed to sooth I had no idea, But considering the fact we got along, I wasn't about to complain.
''I'm fine, Why is everyone asking if I'm okay?'' I questioned, I didn't think I had looked too bad this morning.
Shure I had my normal dark circles under my eyes and heaven forbid I even try to get my hair to not look like I had been through a wind tunnel.
But other then that and my normal pale complexion, I didn't look too sickly.
''I was told by some Heros this morning that another younger hero was in trouble for hurting a worker at a nearby coffee shop. . .I kinda feared the worst. . .Sorry'' Ian said, His voice slowly quieting and turning meek as he stared down at the floor, Nervously kicking his foot.
I glanced at the small line that was starting to form behind him before nodding towards one of the seats closest to where I was working.
He took the hint and sat down, Allowing a customer to approach and very tiredly place her order.
''Don't say sorry. . .It's. . .Sweet that you cared'' I murmured to him as I moved to start making the tired lady's drink.
I gave him a small half smile before giving the lady her drink.
She took a sip before letting out a sigh and leveling a stare at Ian and I.
''Ya'll a cute couple'' She stated simply before heading for the door, Chugging the drink she had already payed for.
'. . .Is she breathing between those sips?. . .' Tene whispered quietly, Sounding very concerned.
''. . .So. . .That's. . .'' I started, My face burning as Ian and I both looked everywhere except each other.
'. . .At least s-e thinks you two look cute together. . .' Eige pointed out, Breaking the ice between Ian and I.
. . .He's cute. . .Don't know about me though. . .
Just a bit of calm before the storm. (Late chapter)
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...