Ian Pov
Corbin looked so tired and half dead when we finally managed to head back to our places.
I had always day dreamed of waking up without my powers, However, Now, I wasn't so sure I would like it.
Corbin looked so. . .So broken, And it set me on edge to see him like that.
He assured me that he and his little dragons would be alright.
We wished each other a goodnight before heading our different ways.
As much as I wanted to stay near him, I figured he might need his space.
It's something he's going to need time to get used too. . .At least until Hover finds some sort of cure for it.
He had been nice enough to keep Daxon away from us so we could head home.
I had given Hover my phone number so he could send me the results of our blood tests once they came back.
When I finally got to my apartment, I had checked my phone at least thirty different times.
Sighing, I set my phone away before unlocking my door and making a bee line for my bed.
The many plants on my room reached out for me, Like eager dogs happy to see their human return after a long day of work.
As soon as my knees hit the edge of my bed, I proceeded to faceplant into the springy soft old mattress.
I was too tired to even bother taking off my shoes, Let alone change into pajamas.
With my eyes still closed, I reached out through my connection with my plants, Reaching them out to where I last remember my blankets being.
For once, They listened to me and I was swiftly covered with a blanket and drifting off to sleep before the blanket fully settled over the bed.
--- ---
I cautiously walked down corridor after corridor.
I had not idea where I was and my surroundings were not helping me piece together my whereabouts any better.
Each wall was a plain off white color, No decorations, No marks, Nothing on them.
Each corridor ended in a T hallway, I could go left, Or I could go right.
No matter which way I chose, It will be the same as the corridor I had just left.
For some reason, When I went to turn around and head back, I was always faced with a solid wall where there used to be a hallway.
Panic was building with each hallway.
Eventually, I was running through the hallways, Nearly falling more than once as I tripped over my own feet.
Something bad was in here with me, I didn't know how I knew this but I just did.
Dream logic seemed to work that way after all.
Where do I go. . .What do I do. . .I gotta get out but how. . .
There were no plants in here, Not even little grass seeds.
After what felt like an eternity of running through the maze of walls, Eventually, Something changed.
And it wasn't a good something. . .
The walls were covered in writhing shadows.
Corbin's shadows, My brain helpfully supplied.
I started to turn down the paths with his shadows only, Ignoring any other options as I followed the black and grey twisting sludge that lined the walls.
Slowly, I no longer saw the white of the walls, All I could see where the shadows. . .until I didn't.
Finally, I stumbled upon a room.
The excitement I felt at finally finding something other than long solid white corridors was quickly dashed as I saw what was inside.
Corbin laid suspended in some greenish yellow liquid, His dragons laying limp and partly melted at the base of the tube of liquid.
I opened my mouth to call out to the other boy.
Concern for him filling me.
However, No sound came out.
Corbin!! Corbin!
Slowly, From a room hidden by the shadows, A smoky figure emerged, A needle held in his hand, The non-existent lights in here glinting off the sharp point of the metal instrument.
I tried to move forwards, But was unable to.
Something started to pull me back into the darkness, Corbin's shadows being replaced with smoke like fog.
I started to feel like I was choking on air, Unable to draw in a breath the deeper into the smoke I got.
--- Awake ---
I bolted straight up in my bed, Breathing heavily as my head throbbed in protest to how fast I sat up.
Reaching my hands up, I rubbed at my eyes, Trying to wipe the dream from the edges of my mind.
Deciding that sleep wasn't the best idea after all, I got up out of bed, Carefully unwinding vines from around my ankles.
It was common place for me to wake up covered or wrapped up in some plants or vines that had decided to grow on me while I slept.
The worst was when a nightshade plant grew right over my face.
Nothing wakes you up in the morning quite like almost accidently swallowing a poisonous berry before the sun's even up.
Sighing, I headed over to the tiny little kitchen I had in my apartment.
It was only big enough for a small counter, Fridge, Sink, One single cabinet and a microwave.
Just like the rest of my apartment, It was overgrown with plants.
The two planter pots that had started the whole growth in the kitchen sat on the window sill over looking my tiny home of sorts.
I could see the sky lightening in the distance, It wasn't dawn yet but it would be soon.
Pulling out one of my few glasses, I got myself some water before heading up to the roof my the building I lived in.
I didn't really want to think too much about my nightmare, However, My brain didn't give a fuck about what I wanted to think about.
Sitting down at the edge of the building, I mulled over why I dreamed what I dreamed.
It made sense the shadow villain was in my dreams, He was the first villain I had ever fought, And in my opinion, The scariest.
Add onto that the fact his 'lair' had walls that were bleach white and un-adorned.
But Corbin being in my dream. . .And being the cause of my concern. . .
In some ways. . .It makes sense. . .We both have trusted each other with things we haven't trusted others with. . .I don't know what to call what we are. . .But despite the very limited amount of time we've known each other. . .We are for sure more than strangers. . .More than two travelers passing in the night. . .
'Aight, Ian is going through mental hell thanks to actions of a certain man. . .
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...