Chapter 42: Rescue

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I glanced left and right down the hallway, My dragons back to their normal size, Hidden inside my shirt away from the harsher rays of light.

This place was built like a maze, Every wall was the same plain bright white, The floor Polished white linoleum floor, and the ceiling lined with blindingly bright lights that made my vision turn black every time I glanced up.

I'm going to go blind if I'm not careful. . .

Turning down another hallway, I stumbled slightly, My body feeling very cold and un-responsive all of a sudden.

I reached out for a wall, Leaning on it as my vision doubled.

The fuck is happening. . .Oh no. . .Is this a side effect of that drug he gave me?

Stumbling slightly, I tried to stand up on my own again, Only for my legs to nearly buckle out from under me.

Gotta get my dragons out of here. We'll worry about the side effects later. . .

Stumbling down the hallway, I did my best to not trip over my own feet as my body started to feel heavy, Like I was walking through molasses.

Before I even made it to the next hallway, I spotted something off.

A large vine was clinging to the wall, Many of the villain's smoke clones held up to the wall, Covered head to toe in the vines.

Blinking in surprise, It took me a good few seconds to realize what that meant.

Ian's here too. . .

My concern started to spike at that.

Was the villain lying about releasing the others he'd captured? Was Ian being experimented on as well this whole time??

Inhaling slowly, I steeled my nerves and started to follow the vines deeper into the large building.

I had no clue what I was going to do if he was indeed in danger.

I may not have my powers. . .But I still can kick and punch, I suck at it but it's the best I can do for now.

Turning another corner, My eyes widened as I skidded to a stop.

Ian was passed out in the middle of the floor, His body looked like he had been placed down on the floor, Making me think that he had the same 'Needle in the arm' treatment that I did.

Looking around, I didn't see anyone else nearby.

Moving forwards cautiously, I made it to his side.

Crouching down, I reached out, Gently shaking him in an attempt to wake him.

He didn't move at first, But slowly, His eyes started to flicker open.

So he wasn't drugged. . .

''Corbin?'' He whispered out, His eyes squinting as he stared up at me.

''You're such an idiot'' I whispered back, My voice lacking any edge as I spoke.

Ian smiled up at me, Closing his eyes as he did so.

''Sorry. . .You were gone for so many days, Then your dragons started saying they lost all feeling of you and I started to panic'' He explained weakly as I helped him up.

I helped the blue eyed boy steady himself before I let go of his arm.

''At least I didn't come alone?'' He reasoned, Giving me a small strained smile as I frowned in confusion.

''Who. . .Exactly did you bring as back up?'' I asked slowly, My eyes narrowing slightly as he looked down sheepishly.

''Uh. . .Golden, I asked. . .Golden for help'' He admitted, Sounding a bit sorry.

Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair, Looking around the room as I did so.

Looks like I'm going from one captor to another. . .Lovely. . .

''Was. . .I not supposed to ask for his help?'' Ian asked, Walking beside me as I slowly made my way to one of the much dimmer hallways.

''No, You did good. . .This'll just. . .Be interesting. . .'' I muttered hesitantly, I had a bad feeling about this.

''Wait. . .'' I muttered, Something he had said just sinking in now.

''You can still understand them?'' I asked, Nodding down to the dragon shaped lumps in my shirt.

''Yeah. . .Remember we already found out I could?'' Ian reminded me, His brows furrowing slightly in concern.

''Did this guy do something to your memories?'' Ian asked before I could get a word in, His slightly dazed eyes taking on a frantic look.

''No. . .He took away my powers, I no longer can hear my dragons. . .Or even control a shadow'' I explained quietly, My voice wobbling slightly as I spoke.

I didn't really mind not being able to control shadows, Sure that hurt a bit, But what hurt the most was not being able to hear my dragons.

Ian stared in shock before he reached out towards one of the vines.

The vine slowly started to move before Ian set it back.

He's making sure his powers weren't removed while he was out. . .

''B-But. . .Surely they aren't gone, I mean, Your dragons are still here, If your powers were fully gone, They'd be gone too'' Ian pointed out.

Before our concerned conversation could continue, There was a bright light that flashed through seemingly the whole building, Followed by the sound of a thud, A very loud thud.

Once we could actually see again, Ian and I exchanged a look.

Both of us started to rush down the hallway, Ian being able to move much faster than I.

Despite how hard it was for me, I managed to keep Ian in my line of sight.

After a few more feet, We finally stumbled into a room.

A room with two men inside it.

I paused, Shocked as I watched the bands of light snake around the villain, Restraining him as he lay knocked out on the floor.

Looking up towards where Golden was hovering slightly, It was clear to see he didn't get out of this fight un-scathed.

He was bleeding from his lips and from above his eye, Most likely the results of punches to the face.

I blinked in surprise as his wings slowly dispersed, His feet touching the ground as he brushed the blood off his face before his eyes landed on Ian and I.

Oh fuck he looks sexy when he's worked up. . .That was a concerningly random thought. . .


Ayyy! Corbin's saved!

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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