The house was just as pointlessly extravagant on the inside as it was on the outside.
Twin spiraling staircases led up towards the second story of this needlessly massive house.
Why the fuck would someone want this much space. . .
'I wonder if this place is haunted. . .Large houses are always haunted in movies' Tene piped up, Having cautiously glanced out of the bag, Weary of the bright light from the lights above.
'Would he even know? With how senselessly large this place is he'd have no way of knowing if this house is haunted' Eige added on, Exceedingly curious.
Eige loved horror and mystery shows, Avidly watching them in his spare time, It made sense he'd be interested in any hauntings.
'Don't wanna meet a scary ghost. . .' Cali squeaked out as my attention turned to the villain beside me.
He was watching me with an interested look.
''So. . .Does your family live here with you?'' I questioned, It'd make more sense if that was the case.
Maybe he has kids. . .I'd feel very sorry for them but at least such a uselessly large house would make a tiny bit more sense then. . .
The other villain smiled slightly, Reaching up towards his mask as he shook his head.
''Sadly no, My only relatives live far from here, Either in other states or in other countries'' The villain said as he tugged his mask off.
'Holy shit. . .We've seen him before!' Tene hissed out, Recognizing him.
I did too, I just couldn't place where I recognized him from.
'We see at least a hundred people every day, Some people are regulars, Recognizing him ain't gonna do shit for us' Eige pointed out, Which was. . .A very fair point.
He had dark auburn hair with streaks of grey in it, It looked like it had once been swooped back on his head, But by now, After a day of wearing a mask and walking about, It was rather wind tussled, Falling down into his eyes now.
Said eyes were trained on me, They were a dark navy blue color that was so naggingly familiar that I felt like I might go crazy pretty soon.
A small, Closed lipped lop sided smile formed on his face.
''You don't remember me do you? Makes sense, We barely even spoke for an hour when we met without masks'' Mystery villain said, His velvety voice sounding amused.
''How the hell do you remember me then?'' I questioned, Tugging Cali back down when he tried to climb up my arm.
His constant attempts to climb out was making my skin burn thanks to the light in here.
''Cali for fucks sake, Stop'' I hissed out, Pushing the dragon firmly back into the bag.
There was a small huffed chuckle from the other villain, Drawing my gaze back to the blue eyed man who was moving over towards the wall.
''Maybe this will be a bit better'' The other villain said as he reached out for a switch on the wall, Turning down the overly bright lights coming from the overhead lights.
I narrowed my eyes slightly, Suspicious but, Before I could say anything, Cali had squirmed back out of the bag yet again, This time he managed to wriggle out of my grip.
He landed on the ground with a soft 'fwump' sound before bounding over towards the other villain.
''Cali what the hell'' I grumbled, Pinching at the bridge of my nose to try and stop the headache that was starting to throb through my head.
'Know him! We know him! Ace!' Cali blurted out, Jumping up and down while doing his best to circle the other villain.
''Well hello there little guy'' The other villain purred out as I moved to collect my unusual dragon.
Before I could though, Said other villain had already scooped up my dragon. With his bare. Freaking. Hands.
I froze as the feeling of hands on my body startled me.
Ian. . .Didn't have this strong of an effect on my dragons and I when he touched them, So to say this 'Ace' man's touch was surprising would be an understatement.
''What the fuck'' I hissed out, Frozen in place and unable to even twitch my fingers.
'Have to! Gonna start hurting! Haven't touched the others in too long!' Cali chirped out as if what he just said made any sense.
''Something the matter Corbin?'' Ace questioned, Sounding both curious and amused.
I turned my annoyed, And slightly distressed gaze onto Ace, My eyes narrowing.
He tilted his head slightly before reaching his other hand up and very slowly trailing his fingers down Cali's spine.
My breath hitched slightly, My entire body twitching at the feeling of a finger trailing down my spine.
''P-Put down my dragon'' I growled out, My voice squeaking slightly on the first word.
He smiled pleasantly as Cali curled his tail around 'Ace's' arm.
''I'm afraid I might not be able to'' He said, Not sounding too upset by this little fact.
The glare I shot at him made him pause slightly before he relented and carried my dragon back over to me, Holding out his arm so I could pry the odd dragon off of his arm.
''He seems quite fond of me. . .Is that a good sign?'' Ace questioned, As calm as before but a hint of eagerness hiding in his voice.
'Aww, He wants us to accept him. . .Should have thought about that before using us as a test dummy for drugs.' Tene grumbled out, Sounding happy at first before his tone changed to annoyance.
'Play stupid games. . .' Eige started before I stuffed Cali in the bag with them.
''No. His opinion doesn't change the rest of ours.'' I explained curtly, Taking a step back from him as I spoke.
Before he could say anything else, I continued.
''Since you and Air head are back home. I'm going to leave. I rather get home before midnight'' I grumbled out, Starting to move towards the front door.
I was about to open the door when Ace cleared his throat.
:D Cliff hanger
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...