Chapter 28: Vines

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Not that type of vines


Grunting quietly, I tried to lift the surprisingly heavy potted plant up onto it's shelf.

Despite it being a simple white clematis flower, It felt like it weighed as much as a full grown dog.

Giving up, I set it down on the ground again, Catching my breath.

I was about to go get my manager to help me when I noticed. . .The little shit of a plant had wrapped both it's roots and some of it's vines around the bottom rung of the shelf.

''You little brat, You were doing that on purpose.'' I hissed out quietly to the plant, Actually a bit upset.

I had been trying to get it up on it's shelf for at least thirty minuets by now. . .

I let out a tired sigh as I could sense the plants around me laughing in their plant like ways, Mocking me for my failure to not only notice what the clematis was doing but also for the fact I couldn't overpower it.

Sighing tiredly, I could feel my shoulders slouching slightly under the weight of their silent laughter.

Retreating back up to the counter, I rested my hand against the bonsai tree we had sitting there.

It was an old thing, Three hundred and twenty nine years old to be exact.

Despite it's age, It had only grown as big as a normal sized dog.

My boss was the one who owns it, It had been passed down through his family for generations.

He however, Didn't want to care for it, So he left it in my care here at the store.

It was my favorite plant here, Mostly because it listened to me.

I felt my nerves settle slightly as I grabbed the pruners and snipped off a few suckers that had started to grow at the base of the tree.

Despite being plants themselves, They were more like leeches than anything else.

They sapped the strength and energy from the tree and gave nothing back in return.

Still, I flinched ever so slightly as the slight twinge of displeasure from the action rippled through me.

It never hurt me per-say to kill a plant, Or to be around a plant that was dying, However it felt wrong.

Like when you bend a nail backwards, Or when you almost twist an ankle.

I was distracted from the plants around me when the bell above the door dinged.

I looked up through the strawberry blonde strands of hair that had fallen down into my face while I was tending to the plants.

''Hello, Welcome t-'' I started to greet before I froze mid welcome.

A tall, Well built man was standing in the doorway, His eyes hidden by shades.

I didn't need to see his eyes though to know exactly who he was.

Daxon Brige, Better know my his superhero name, Golden.

He was a hero from our country's capital, A fairly famous hero from the capital.

Why he was here, On the other side of the country, In a little rundown, Violent city, I would never know.

A warm smile formed on his face as I swallowed nervously.

''Hello there, You must be Ian, Correct?'' Golden asked as he approached me, Taking his shades off as he spoke.

I could feel my heart sinking at that.

From what I've gathered hanging around Corbin, It was never a good sign when a hero knew who you were.

''. . .C-Can I help you?'' I asked timidly, My normal robotic customer service voice wavering with nerves.

The hero's warm smile grew slightly as he stepped up the the plant covered counter.

''Hopefully, Tell me, Do you know who this is?'' He asked, Pulling his phone out and turning it so I could see the screen.

I could feel the blood rushing from my face as I watched a somewhat blurry version of me from a year ago.

It showed me on the screen as the bridge I was on broke away from the sides of the road it was attached to.

I had ended up panicking and reaching out to the nearby plants.

I watched on in growing dread as sure enough, In the video, It showed the plants responding to my panic, Wrapping around the edge of the bridge I was on, The sturdy plants held up the falling bridge in a manner of seconds.

After that the video ended.

''. . .No? I uh. . .Don't know who that is. . .'' I tried to lie, My voice shaking slightly.

''Really? You sure you don't want to change that answer?'' He asked, Lowering and gentling his voice as he spoke.

I swallowed nervously, Not noticing the plants around me starting to vine down and out towards me.

''No?'' I squeaked out quietly, Knowing he didn't believe me as soon as the single word left my lips.

He sighed before leaning slightly on the counter, Staring calmly down at me.

''Ian. . .You're displaying your power right now'' He said, Drawing my attention to the plants who were suddenly very interested in me.

I felt cold panic grip at my heart as I took a step back from the counter and in turn, The hero.

He remained where he was, A sympathetic look on his face.

''Easy, It's alright, I'm not here to hurt you'' He said, Lowering his voice until it was gentle and even more velvety then before, Almost like he was speaking with a frightened little child.

''I-I didn't think you were until now. . .'' I pointed out, Taking another step back before tripping on one of the rapidly growing vines.

Before I could hit the ground, A bright band of light wrapped around me, Just like Corbin had done with his shadows when we met.

''I see you don't have control over your powers'' He commented as I held still in fear as he set me back down on my feet.

I looked away nervously, Not like the way this conversation was going.

Am I going to end up imprisoned?. . .For my powers?

I should have hung out with Corbin today. . .


And we get a chapter from Ian's point of view! Any guesses what Daxon is planning on doing with Ian anyways?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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