Back to Corbin's Pov. . .
'I got the door!' Cali chirped out, Racing ahead of us, Towards our apartment door.
''Eige, Go help Cali, He's going to hurt himself'' I whispered to my silver eyed dragon, Handing my more stable dragon the keys to our apartment.
''It's okay Corbin, You don't need to stay by my side this entire time'' Ian reasoned from where he was resting against the wall.
Dr. Smith had discharged him from the hospital a few hours ago, Stating that so long as he didn't overexert himself and was made to rest plenty, He could go home.
With that in mind, I managed to convince Ian to come home with me, That way I could watch over him incase something were to go wrong with him.
''Nonsense, I'm not about to let anything happen to you'' I explained firmly, Offering my arm for my tired boyfriend to use as a support.
Ian sighed, Shaking his head slightly, A fond smile on his face.
''I'm not going to just suddenly fall apart if you leave my side for a few seconds'' He chastised, Sounding more amused than anything as I helped him up the stairs.
''I'm not risking it either way'' I assured, Gently placing a kiss to the side of his head.
'Okay okay, Enough of this lovey dovey shit, People are gawking at you two' Tene pointed out, Poking his head briefly out of my bag to inform me of this.
At that, I proceeded to subtly glance around, Sure enough, Some of our neighbors were watching us from their slightly opened front doors.
Ian must have noticed them too if the flush that crept over his face was anything to go by.
Clearing my throat, I moved back ever so slightly in hopes of making Ian a bit more comfortable and less embarrassed.
''You know, We never actually got around to the movie night that we had planned. . .We've got movies, Popcorn and lots of snacks'' I tempted, Grinning when Ian proceeded to fake swoon once we reached my now opened apartment door.
''Oh you know just what to say to a man'' He teased right back, Giving me a tired but still happy grin.
'You two disgust me' Tene hissed out fondly, Darting into the apartment before the two of us.
'''Oh how cruel'' Ian sighed out as I helped him inside, Closing and locking the door behind us, Just to be safe.
''So what do you want to watch?'' I asked, Moving over to my fairly small Tv as Ian settled in on the couch, My dragons piling on top of him.
''How about Scooby doo?'' My oh so wise boyfriend suggested, Earning a cheer from Cali.
'I think we have that ghost one of theirs, What was it, The boob busters?' Eige murmured, Moving to join me looking through the movies we had.
'I doubt that's a Scooby doo film. . .Pretty sure it's a porno, You pervert' Tene snickered out, Grinning at the other dragon from where he was curled up in Ian's lap.
Finding the movie they were bickering about, I placed it in the old VCR player we had connected up to the tv.
''Come on you two, Let's just watch the movie'' Ian reasoned with the bickering dragons as I joined him on the couch, Carrying Eige with me.
''Yeah kids, Stop your bickering'' I added on, Wrapping an arm around Ian's neck while I spoke, Pulling the other man closer to me so that he was half laying on me.
'I'm going to bite you in your sleep.' Tene muttered, Giving me a glare as he spoke.
'Guys! The movie's starting!' Cali whispered excitedly, Silencing the other two dragons as the opening theme started to play.
I started to tune out my dragons as Eige and Tene pretended to be interested in the show for Cali's sake, Encouraging the excited dragon.
''So. . .You told Daxon about your 'nighttime activities'?'' Ian asked, A bit playfully.
''Of course not, I doubt it'd be appropriate to tell him that I spend my nights making out with someone who he seems to view as a sidekick'' I teased, A pleased grin spreading across my face when Ian instantly flushed bright pink.
''Corbin!'' He gasped out, His tone embarrassed and a bit chastising.
I just grinned, A warm happy feeling coiling in my chest at the easy and pleasant teasing between the two of us.
Reaching a hand up, I absently scratched at Ian's head, Running my fingers through his hair as I tuned back into the movie playing on the Tv.
The long ass intro had ended by now, Something sounding similar to '''Like Zoinks Scoob!''' was all I heard though before Ian spoke up again.
''So. . .What does this mean now? If Daxon knows then. . .Is he going to try and arrest you at home if you are even suspected to have done something bad?'' Ian worried, Moving slightly so he could stare up at me, His head still resting on my shoulder.
''Can't say I know the answer to that. . .I'll be sure to ask him when I run across him again. . .Though, I have an odd feeling that this secret will be safe with him'' I murmured, Pausing slightly to gently lay a kiss on Ian's forehead.
He hummed slightly before giving me a shrug and a small smile.
''Know the feeling. . .Kinda weird. . .He always feels familiar and safe. . .Even when I first met him. . .Kinda. . .Kind of like how I feel with you'' Ian mused quietly, making me still.
''Do you think he's. . .You know. . .'' I muttered quietly, My hand drifting down to gently rub circles on Ian's upper back.
Ian's brows furrowed slightly as he thought it over as well.
''Should we. . .Test it? I can ask him to try and attack me. . .'' Ian offered, Closing his eyes as I pressed a light kiss to his lips, Stopping what he was saying.
''Hell no. I just got you back, I'm not risking loosing you again'' I stated firmly, Giving him another kiss when he seemed like he was about to protest.
''. . .I love you, But you haven't the strength to stop me'' Ian stated, A teasing grin on his face.
''I will not fight a wounded man. . .But I will tickle you'' I shot back, Reaching down to start tickling my boyfriend, Relishing in his squeals as he attempted to squirm away from me.
''You- You Monster!'' Ian managed to gasp out between giggles, Trying to tickle me back, Drawing small laughs from me as I pinned him down to the couch.
'Hey, Some of us are trying to watch a movie here, Go get a room' Tene chastised, Jumping onto my back, Startling a small gasp out of me.
'Look Corbi! A ghost!' Cali chirped out excitedly when I slowly sat back up, Gently pulling Ian up with me.
Glancing at the Tv, I could see the 'Ghost' he was talking about was the largest of the boo brothers.
''That's a very spooky ghost, I think Ian and I might just head to bed, You know, Before this gives us nightmares'' I lied, Used to having to cover up less 'Child friendly' things with a small little lie.
'Oh of course, Sweet dreams!' He chirped out, His attention once again glued onto the cartoon playing on the Tv.
'Have fun you two' Eige called out as I tugged Ian up off of the couch, Guiding the blushing boy towards our room.
'You two disgust me' Tene tacked on, His voice sounding amused more than anything.
NSFW coming up. . .Just sweet fluffy NSFW
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...