Chapter 65: Concerned

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Back to Corbin's Pov!


I was exhausted when I got back home, My dragons echoing the feeling.

We had slipped away pretty quickly from Ace's clutches.

I didn't understand why he was doing this, Why he seemingly suddenly changed his whole intent towards me on a dime.

'Maybe someone hit him in the head while he was in custody of the 'heros'?' Tene offered sarcastically.

Eige let out a scoffing sound as I unlocked our front door, Stepping inside.

'He's most likely planning something, We'll most likely need to keep our guard up' Eige advised quietly before our conversation was very swiftly derailed by a body being thrown into me and arms tightly latching onto me.

I blinked dumbly as the strawberry blonde haired boy clung tightly to me, Nearly crushing my ribs.

''Corbin! What happened? You weren't here when we came back and the window was open and-'' Ian started to ramble, Clearly distressed over the fact that I had been missing.

Before he could freak himself out much more then he already had, I gently grabbed onto Ian's chin, Turning his head to lock lips with mine.

It took him a second, But he calmed down.

Once he had, I pulled back to let the blue eyed boy speak.

''Sorry. . .I was just worried. . .It was late, You weren't home and a window was open. . .So I kinda feared the worst'' Ian murmured, Leaning down slightly to rest his head on my shoulder.

'Aww, Corbin, Comfort him. . .I'm gonna go close the window' Eige ordered, Sounding sympathetic to Ian's plight.

And just like that, My two sane-er dragons were floating over towards the window, Working together to close it as I turned my full attention to my sweet little boyfriend.

''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you, You okay?'' I checked, Gently placing a light kiss on his forehead as I cupped his face gently.

He smiled slightly, His hands reaching up to cover mine.

''I'm alright, If it's not something to do with what you. . .Also do. . .Where'd you go?'' My sweet little flower asked, Looking concerned as he spoke.

Smiling back at him, I let out a heavy, Dramatic sigh.

''Oh you wouldn't want to hear my woes!'' I muttered, My voice full of dramatic theatrics as I moved one hand to hold it to my forehead as if I was wounded.

That got a laugh out of him, His concern swiftly melting.

'We spoke with Ace!, Now we won't hurt! You need to speak to him too' Cali chirped out, Jumping out of my bag and onto Ian's shoulder.

 ''Wh-What was that?'' Ian laughed out, Clearly assuming Cali was just saying gibberish.

''Long story, Let's just settle in for the night and forget about all of th-'' I started to say before my phone started to buzz like crazy.

Ian pulled back from me so I could check my phone, His attention turning to my dragons as they moved to circle around the blonde.

Frowning slightly, I pulled my phone out.

What now. . .

Kate's name appeared on the screen, Making me pause.

Do I really want to pick this up? I just got home. . .My boyfriend is right there and I'm tired. . .

She might be in trouble though. . .

Sighing, My phone was about to send her to voicemail when I picked up.

''Hell-'' I started before Kate interrupted me.

'''Corbin, I need your help''' She said hurriedly, Out of breath as the sounds of crashing and. . .Gunshots. Rang in the background.

That got my attention.

''What's going on Kate?'' I questioned, Ian picked up on the concern in my voice, The icy blue eyed boy was watching me intently.

'''Short of it? Got a tip that some people were kidnapping and torturing little newly powered villains, Tried to break it up and all hell has broken loose''' Kate panted out before swearing up a storm as from the sound of it, She almost got hit by something.

''Where?'' I questioned as Ian mouthed 'What's going on?' at me.

While Kate was giving me directions, I wrote a note explaining what was happening, Handing it over to my Ian.

That didn't help soothe him at all.

Hindsight and all, It probably wasn't a good idea to let him know I was going somewhere dangerous.

As soon as I hung up my phone, Ian spoke up.

''Corbin. . .Are you sure this is a good idea?'' He questioned nervously, Standing up slowly as he spoke, My dragons clinging to his arms and back.

'I mean. . .If we don't do anything then a lot of young kids are going to be hurt. . .Or worse' Eige pointed out, Climbing up onto Ian's shoulder.

'Besides, Why would we pass up a good chance to set a fire or ten?' Tene asked, Clearly trying to lighten the mood.

I leaned forwards, Lightly placing a kiss on Ian's forehead.

''Do you need my help?'' He questioned as I pulled back.

''Always, But I don't want you helping with this. . .Okay?'' I informed him, Still cupping his face between my hands.

I could see the gears in his mind turning, Debating if he could talk me out of this.

A quick peck on his lips before pulling back seemed to make up his mind.

''If. . .If you're not home by one I will come out and find you'' He said in what he clearly seemed to think was a stern voice.

Smiling faintly, I moved forwards to give him a tight hug before hurrying to the door with a 'I'll be back soon! Don't wait up!'.

And just like that, We were off again, This time with our 'suit' on.

Can't have anyone else finding out our identity. . .

'Aww, Don't you wanna start a collection of stalkers? We've got Ace and possibly Golden. . .Why not get a few more?' Tene teased before he was abruptly shoved off of my head while we were mid jump between two rooftops.

'We're almost there. . .I can hear the gunshots. . .' Eige whispered, Acting like he wasn't the one who shoved said other dragon off of me.

Here we go again. . .Fucking hell. . .


Late chapter and all

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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