Chapter 66: Hell

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Here we go. . .


I rolled slightly as I landed on a roof, Ducking down close to the gravel in an attempt to not be seen by those below.

Sounds of gunshots and shouts still rung through the concrete maze of buildings.

On the ground below us, Katy was still fighting, Or trying to fight off the kidnappers.

As much as I wanted to observe and come up with a plan for this fight, Katy was outnumbered at least twelve to one and didn't look like she'd last much longer at the rate this fight was going at.

I doubted she'd die, But I didn't want her badly hurt or anything.

So with that in mind, I carefully flung myself over the roof's edge, Gliding down on my shadowy wings as my dragons merged, Their voices and minds fading from mine.

Slowly, The overly large dragon formed behind me before hurling himself off the roof and into the darker night sky above, The low light level fine for me.

A rumbling, Chest shaking growl ripped it's way out of my Gloaming's throat as he swirled about in the sky above the fight.

Perfect distraction.

The sight of a giant, Shadow dragon curling above you in the sky can sometimes be rather frightening, If the panic that descended over our attackers was anything to go by.

Using that to my advantage, I jumped down and struck out towards the nearest attacker, My shadows having the upper hand thanks to the dimness of our surroundings.

By the time I had 'dealt with' one attacker, Katy had taken out two, Having already been at this long enough to be warmed up for fighting.

Not to mention, She looked like she was hurt. 

And If I knew anything about Katy, It was that when she or someone she cared about gets hurt, She goes out for blood.

So I very respectfully, Stayed the fuck out of her way.

Working together, With a lot of help from Gloaming, We managed to take down the attackers. . .In around half an hour.

I think that's not the worst timing we've had. . .

'Corbin. The children.' Gloaming's voice echoed in my head, Reminding me of the entire reason we were here in the first place.

Making me pause as a sheepish blush rose on my face.

Got carried away. . .

''Fuck, Right, Katy, Where are the kids'' I questioned, Turning my attention to the ginger who was currently dragging our captives to the nearest wall.

Hopefully she's just going to tie them up. . .And not nail 'em to the wall Jesus style. . .

''Ah fuck. . .Uh, They're in that building over there, They're pretty hurt and scared'' She warned as she nodded towards a building with it's door broken off it's hinges.

I gave her a slight salute, Heading towards the distant doorway as I did so.

Gee. . .Wonder what kind of mood Katy was in when she arrived here. . .

Stepping through the doorway was a lot like stepping into a whole other world. . .A worse world then this one.

That's saying a lot.

Children, Tweens and teens were all huddled as close to each other as they could, Many of them bleeding and all of them clearly trying to reach out to their still new powers.

''P-Please'' One of them pleaded, Moving in front of another child, Shielding them.

''Shhh shh, It's okay, We're here to rescue you guys'' I assured them, Instantly moving to kneel in front of the kids.

I reached out and using a combination of my hands and my shadows, I slowly snapped the chains that were tied tightly around their ankles and wrists.

The small group of children looked so scared but relieved at that same time.

Once they were all unchained, Some of them started to get up, But a few of them looked way too injured to stand, Let alone walk.

The boy who had been trying to protect that others spoke with a few of the other less injured kids and together, They picked up most of the really hurt ones as I picked up some poor girl with two broken legs, Carefully holding her bridal style.

As a group, We stumbled outside, Me taking the lead as the other kids hesitantly followed in my shadow. . .Hiding behind me.

When we stepped outside, Things seemed. . .Fine.

Katy had impaled the attacker's hands to the wall using some. . .Concerningly large nails.

Where did she get those?

'You don't want to know' Was the answer I got as Eige drifted down to me, Tene and Cali following close behind.

The girl in my arms flinched slightly when Cali landed on her belly before calming as the dark little dragon peered up at her before letting out a soft, Rumbling purr.

'This one's soft. . .I like her' Cali said happily, Moving in a circle before laying down and curling up as the girl slowly started to relax.

''I-It's just l-l-like a cat. . .'' The girl whispered to herself, Her voice wobbling thanks to the pain she was in.

'How dare she compare us to cats! We're so much more. . .Elegant' Tene murmured with faux outrage.

Once again, The violent dragon was very sharply shoved off of my head.

'Ah yes. So graceful' Eige purred out, A laugh hiding in his voice.

A fond smile formed on my face as the girl in my arms relaxed further, Seemingly calmed down by the soft purrs of Cali.

''Do you have a cat of your own?'' I questioned her quietly as Katy spoke with the other hurt kids.

She glanced up at me before nodding slightly.

''Yeah, I named him Alistair. . .He's a spoiled little drama queen'' She laughed out, Wincing slightly at the movement but calming down once again, Distracted by my dragons.

''Awww, You poor soul'' I chuckled back, Smiling as Katy and the other kids moved towards me.

''Okay, Shade, We're all going to the mossy glade hospital to get these kids treated, Think you can stay out and help us a bit longer?'' Katy asked, Clearly feeling guilty for making me stay out longer.

. . .Ian might get worried. . .But I can't just leave these kids and Katy to deal with all of this on their own. . .


Late chapter but the kids have been saved!

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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