And we get another Pov change for a while! Woo! Yay Q-Q
Soaring through the air, I looked over this new pathetic little city below me.
I held back the revolted feeling I felt as I glided a little too close to one of the buildings.
Why the hell would Golden come to this tiny little hell hole? There are fucking Slums here!
I landed on one of the cleaner looking roofs, Looking around with a sneer as I did so.
Ugh, Whatever he's here for better super fucking good.
Looking around my eyes landed on that stubborn black haired kid with sunglasses.
Why the hell is he still wearing those things? It's night time! I can barely see in this darkness. . .
I rolled my eyes before spotting a nervous looking kid following beside him.
He was all jittery, Looking around with wide eyes and sticking close to the black haired kid's side.
Odd. . .
Around that moment, I spotted Golden slowly gliding through the air on his wings of light.
He seemed to be looking for something, Or someone.
Ugh, Well, He is the only one in these slums that has class, Might as well talk to him. . .
Scowling, I tugged the air around me, Using it to fly out over the heads of these uncultured swines and over to the other hero.
''Hey.'' I called out in greeting to Golden, A slightly offended feeling rushing through me when he didn't instantly greet me back.
''Kid. What are you doing here?'' He asked, Still not giving me his full attention.
Kid? Does he not know my name?
I scowled at that, A few tendrils of my wind started to form dagger like shapes.
That caught Golden's attention.
His seemingly black eyes narrowed before he turned his attention to me.
''No need to summon weapons'' He said firmly, His gruff, Warm voice hiding warning in it.
I narrowed my eyes, Insulted that he'd take such a tone with me.
--- ---
Sighing, I trudged to work, My eyes feeling so freaking heavy.
'I told you that light headed hero wasn't looking for any of us' Tene grumbled from inside my bag, Equally tired.
'And exactly how do you know that for sure?' Eige snapped, Cranky.
He always got that way when he gets tired.
'Pleease stap. . .Your meanie emotions are making my heart hurt' Cali whined quietly as the other two were preparing to all out fight.
I sighed quietly again as the two dragons muttered a quiet 'Sorry Cali' to the smaller dragon.
After a while of hiding in that greenhouse last night, Ian and I eventually made an escape.
I had offered for him to come back to my place, But he insisted that he didn't want to risk leading a hero to my home.
The night ended with me walking Ian back to his apartment and my dragons and I slowly trudging back to ours.
Ian had offered for me to stay over at his place, We turned it down however.
'Why did we do that anyways?' Tene asked quietly from inside the bag.
''Where would we have hid our costume? If the hero came and found us there at Ian's place, He could have gotten in trouble'' I pointed out quietly, Glaring at the few people who were stupid enough to not mind their own business and chose to stare.
'You're forgetting we also didn't pack a change of clothes.' Eige pointed out, His voice curter then normal.
I considered saying something back to the cranky dragon, However, We were already at the coffee shop.
Well, At least Lily got a good night's sleep and got to school on time. . .
'School sad' Cali muttered quietly, Making me smirk slightly.
''Yeah, School does make most people sad'' I whispered to him as I slipped in through the employee entrance.
Covering a yawn, I slipped on my uniform as my dragons stumbled out of their bag.
''Woah, You guys look like shit, Did you guys have some 'fun' with a certain blonde last night or something?'' Kate teased as she walked past me, Getting the store ready for the morning shift.
I nearly choked on thin air as she said that.
''How the hell did you know about Ian?'' I demanded, Wincing slightly as I moved a bit too quickly.
I had patched up my stab wound at home, A few pain pills helped me get to sleep, But they were starting to wear off by now.
''Lily told us about your friend, Are you alright? You're holding your arm awfully weirdly'' Jake said as he walked past me.
Sighing, I tugged my bandana on over my hair as my dragons dragged themselves to their hiding spots.
I didn't mention anything as Cali opted to curl up in the small pouch on my apron instead of under the fridge or anywhere else.
''Yeah, Just got stabbed last night'' I muttered quietly, Dragging the hand on my good arm down my face as I spoke.
I heard Kate hiss quietly in sympathy.
''Let me guess, Can't take more pain pills for a while?'' She asked, Moving to examine my arm slightly.
''Mhmm, At least I'm pretty okay at ignoring pain. . .Got a lot of practice with it'' I muttered as I took up my position at the counter.
''That's not a good thing'' Kate called back to me as she moved to open the shop's door.
'Corbin?' Eige called out quietly from his hiding place.
I glanced back at the silver eyed dragon, Unable to say anything to him seeing as other people were now here.
'You're pretty amazing' He whispered to me before I was forced to turn my attention back to the customers.
I held back the small laugh I felt building in my throat.
''Thanks bud'' I whispered quietly to him as I walked back to mix up a coffee.
Who needs relationships when you have dragons?
'Bish please, Relationships are always overrated, All the caring and the love and the emotional support, Count me out' Tene muttered, Making Eige sigh tiredly.
'Why do I even bother. . .' Eige muttered as I carried the cup back to the customer.
''Have a day'' I muttered, Forgetting the words I was supposed to say briefly.
'Why are we rambling like this again?' I heard Tene faintly mutter.
'Because we're all tired and this is the only interesting thing we can talk about' Eige muttered back.
I swear, Our conversations are just dissolving into meaningless jabber. . .
Tired, Everyone is tired, Anyways, I can't stand to write through the Pov of 'Gust' for more then a few lines, Sorry.
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Storie d'amore-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...