:T So. . . I'm just gonna say this, Two people last chapter guessed a bit of something correctly about why Corbin did what he did last chapter.
You know who you are, You'z a smart bean, I was very impressed
I could hear my shadows grumbling in annoyance as I put on my cafe uniform.
We had only managed to get a hour of sleep before it was time for work, None of us were happy about that.
'We should have just 'handled' that place another day' Tene grumbled from his place under the counter.
'How many others would have suffered then?' Egie reasoned, His silver eyes just barely visible from his dark hideout beneath the fridge.
'So? Isn't being good and not morally corrupt the hero's jobs?' Tene snapped back bitterly.
'I like being morally corrupt!' Cali chimed in happily.
''No you don't'' I muttered to the dragon, Plucking the foolish thing from it's hiding spot behind the sugar bowls.
'No I don't!' He said, Still equally happy.
Shielding him, I carried him over to Egie, Knowing the mature dragon would watch over him.
''Corbin! Are your shadows hidden?'' My manager Kate asked, Her voice echoing from the front of the store.
Right. . . Time to deal with annoying people. . .
I tightened the bandana us employees were required to wear to keep our hair out of our face.
I could feel the distance between my shadows and I grow as I walked to the front of the store, Ignoring the urge in the back of my mind to just hide in a shadow with them.
''Ready?'' Jake, My coworker asked quietly, Leaning down slightly so I could hear him better.
Jake was quite tall for someone his age, Heck, He was tall for people even older then him.
He stood at 6'7 and was the definition of 'gentle giant'.
He had tousled brown hair and tired chocolate brown eyes that reminded me of a sweet puppy's eyes.
''As I'll ever be'' I muttered tiredly, My eyes drifting to the glass front door.
I could already see some of the early bird introverts waiting outside, Some with books but most on their phones.
Kate moved over to lightly tap her giant of a boyfriend on the side, He bent down to give the tiny woman his attention only for her to quickly kiss him.
Heh, Cute. . .
I felt a small slightly bitter smile form on my face as I watched Jake's face turn bright red in embarrassment.
Kate gave him a smile before walking over to me, ''Heard what ya did last night, If ya want, we can cover for you later so you guys can take a nap'' She offered.
''Thank you so much'' I whispered gratefully to the red headed woman.
The smaller lady gave me a small smile before walking over to the door, Abruptly swinging it open.
Kate knew I am a villain, She also happens to be a villain, Her powers revolved around partly reanimating dead things.
It was fairly unnerving to watch, However, It was more like making dead things into her puppets in a way.

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...