Chapter 94:

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Shh shh, nothing bad, nothing bad here, it's okay


A small groan left me as I pulled myself up out of the tub, my body sore from getting my brains knocked out of my skull.

''Want me to carry you to bed?'' Daxon chuckled out quietly, amusement in his voice as he finished toweling his damp hair dry, his eyes sparkling as he watched me.

Letting out a soft huff, I wrinkled my nose as I gave him a mild glare with faux offense at his suggestion.

''You've done more than e-enough'' I hissed out quietly, my voice trembling as I finally stood on my own two feet, almost falling over as I did so.

Daxon moved to catch me before I caught myself with my own shadows, the two of us pausing to stare at each other for a moment before I slowly stood up straight.

''I'm good, I'm good'' I quietly assured, as Daxon frowned worriedly.

''Probably should have stretched more before doing this'' I muttered quietly as one of my dragons poked their head into the bathroom.

'Yeah sure, because stretching would totally have made your old man bones not get fucked up' Tene snarked out, a grin on his reptilian face.

Daxon jumped ever so slightly, his arm flinging out to shield me for a split second before he recognized the dragon speaking with me, a small sigh leaving him afterwards.

''Hello little guy'' He cooed out softly, offering his hand for Tene to sniff, much to my dragon's outrage.

'Goddamn, he knows we're not fucking animals right??' My dragon huffed out, annoyed as he quickly darted away from the man's offered hand and back into the distant bedroom.

Holding back a grin at Daxon's confused look, I moved to calmly pat him on his shoulder, drawing his attention back to me as I tugged on some clothes, my shirt sticking to my skin as I tried to tug it over my still wet hair.

A small amused huff left my boyfriend(?) before he assisted me in righting my garments, earning himself a small, grateful smile from me.

''Shall we go check up on Brion?'' Daxon questioned as he opened the door for me, his unoccupied hand, letting me out into my bedroom where Ian was still napping, having only groggily woken up for a moment when Daxon carried me to the tub.

Cali and Eige poked their heads up above Ian's shoulder where they were cuddling with him, blocked from sight by his body, refusing to leave the pile of blankets they were snuggled under.

I could faintly feel the waves of comfort and the contact Ian had with my dragons through our connection, leaving a pleasant weight resting at the back of my mind.

This. . .This is nice. . .

I felt relaxed and at peace, my mind silent for once in my eighteen years of life. . .Content with this evening.

wandering over to my boyfriend, I leaned over his sleeping form to very carefully press a chaste kiss to his forehead, my chest aching slightly from the nearly painful amount of fond emotions trying to crack their way past my ribs.

Cali let out a happy little trill as a soft sigh left my partner, his body stirring ever so slightly as he snuggled down deeper into the blankets he was covered with, his lips twitching with a smile as he slept.

My dragons didn't say anything about the feelings pushing at my chest, opting instead to snuggle closer to our partner, curling back up to go into their faux version of sleep they chose to do.

Ensuring my boyfriend was sleeping snugly, I turned my attention back to our newest partner who was waiting by the door for me, watching the two of us with a fond look in his eyes.

The ache in my chest grew stronger as he held his hand out in my direction as I wandered over towards him.

Once I was in arm's reach of him, I was tugged close to his side in a half embrace, his lips finding my head mere moments later.

''Come on, let's check up on Brion and get ourselves something to eat, the chicken stroganoff should be cool enough to eat by now'' Daxon temped, giving me a name for the tasty smelling thing he had been cooking prior as he quietly led me away from where our flower was sleeping.

Smiling fondly, I wandered into my own kitchen where Brion was just standing there, blankly staring at the food still sitting in the pan.

Tene was perched on the turned off light fixture above the unaware man, watching his closely.

'Corbin. Corbi, he's just been standing there. . .Staring. . .I think he's broken.' Tene muttered, causing me to fondly roll my eyes as I walked over to stand next to Brion, making said man flinch ever so slightly.

Yeah well, look who's talking, check yourself bud.

An offended huff was my only answer to the pointed thought I directed at my dragon as I gently bumped my shoulder into the dazed man, moving past him towards the food he had just been staring at.

''You're not allergic to any types of food are you?'' I questioned happily as the other man stumbled backwards, shocked out of his daze enough that he slammed right into Daxon who had moved behind him.

''Easy there'' I faintly heard my boyfriend murmur gently to our guest, his hand finding the shaking man's shoulders long enough to give him a small, comforting squeeze before backing off, moving to join me as he grabbed some bowls.

''I uh. . .Peanuts?'' Brion stuttered out hesitantly in a daze, very confused as he took another step back, fiddling with his hands as he did so, clearly feeling very out of place.

That won't do. . .

''Perfect! Will you please go get Ian? We're going to have dinner in a moment'' I requested as I gathered utensils and started to set the table.

Brion paused for a moment before Daxon made a gentle 'shoo' motion at him, gently murmuring some version of what I just said, his low, soothing voice kicking our guest into action. . .Me too as I picked up my pace setting the. . .Well, not quite the table but the countertop which I always ate at.

A small, soft smile was stuck on my face the entire time I did so.

I felt. . .Content and peaceful with this home I've built. . .And the men I've more or less adopted.


Just soft fluff to lead up to some angst. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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