:) Yes, Things go bad. . .
Slowly, My eyes opened to blindingly bright light.
I was staring right up at a bright light fixture above me.
Something was restraining me when I tried to move.
Looking in the direction of my arms, I could just barely see leather straps keeping my arms tied down to. . .A table.
Oh for fucks sake I'm strapped down to a table. . .This sort of stuff only ends well in pornos and James bond movies. . .
I tried reaching out to nearby shadows only to realize, There were none.
. . .At least he actually planned this out and thought out ways I could escape. . .It's nice to see evil scientists getting better at this stuff. . .
I tugged on the leather straps, They sadly of course didn't budge at all.
Sighing in defeat, I looked back up at the light above me only to realize. . .He put some sort of shield on top of my mask's goggles.
Whatever shield it was it was effective, My eyes weren't hurting like they normally would be.
I guess that's kinda nice. . .Why am I complimenting the person who's kidnapped me? He's not nice he's a monster.
Slowly, I tested each of the straps holding me down firmly to the table.
I had one over each knee, One on each ankle, One at my wrists, My elbows over my chest and even my neck.
They kept me firmly in place, I couldn't even lift my body up off of the table even enough to make a shadow.
Letting out a defeated sigh, I stared up at the light above me.
Guess this and planning an escape is all I can do for now. . .Maybe when someone else enters I can use their shadow to get the upper hand. . .
--- Time skip ---
I felt like I was slowly starting to go insane, there was no sound, No difference in the steady blinding white of the room, I was unable to move.
Maybe I can reach out to my dragons. . .
I hadn't tried reaching out to them yet, It seemed like a far cry seeing as my connection was somehow cut off when I head neared the other villain, However, Maybe whoever was helping him by doing that was no longer blocking my mind.
Reaching out to that normally chaotic side of my brain, I felt a spike of worry as I didn't hear anything at first.
However, Slowly, I felt my dragons.
It was like we were shouting through a wall at each other, Everything was muffled but still there.
'Eige, Tene, Cali, Gloaming, Can anyone hear me?' I asked through our bond, My mind connecting with theirs.
After a moment, A disjointed response came back.
'Cor- Where- Kidnappe- Can't- ' Tene's disjointed voice said, It sounded a lot like a phone losing a connection when he spoke.
'Eige, Are you guys in danger?' I demanded, Panic starting to set in.
Did they get kidnapped too? Are they trapped somewhere here?
'No n- -o' Eige repeated over and over, Based upon how calm he seemed, It appeared he wasn't repeating it out of panic but more so in the hope one of the 'no's would come through clearly.
I was about to continue speaking with my dragons when the sound a door unlocking reached my ears.
Reaching out for shadows on instinct, I felt my heart sink in fear as I remembered, There were no shadows in here. . .
I subtly tried to tug my hands free yet again.
The person who entered the room tsked quietly at that before a latex gloved hand was placed firmly on my hand, Pushing it back down to the table.
''Now now, Don't go straining against the straps, You could rub your skin raw'' The familiar velvety voice of the clone villain said from some where behind my head.
''What the hell are you doing?'' I demanded, My voice raspy for some reason.
The man Tsked quietly again before moving his hand to my shoulder, Gently patting me.
''There is no need to use such crass language'' The man scolded before he finally moved around into my line of sight.
I tugged slightly on the arm restraints again before the other masked villain leaned over me, His hands moving to mine, Pinning them down to the table.
''Lets go over this again, Don't tug on these. Restraints, You'll rub your skin raw other wise'' The villain muttered, Tapping the leather straps as he spoke.
I narrowed my eyes slightly, My panic slowly ebbing away into annoyance.
''You're not gonna get away with whatever you're trying to do, The Heros will notice the amount of people you kidnapped. . .They might actually do something about it.'' I grumbled out, Trying to squirm away from his touch as he slowly trailed his fingers down the side of my body, Seemingly studying something or other.
He chuckled at that, A small lop sided smile forming on his face as he paused, His hand resting on my ribs.
''Oh, Bleeding shade. . .You see, I released all those others I . . .Brought in for impromptu study'' The other villain said, Picking his words carefully.
Kidnapped. The word you were looking for is kidnapped.
''You see, You, Little shadow boy, Changed the original plan by showing up'' The other villain continued calmly, A surprising amount of warmth in his velvety voice.
I can see people easily falling for him if they didn't already know his personality was trash. . .
Silence filled the room for a moment after that before I tugged at the restraints a bit again.
I could see the other villain was getting annoyed by my stubbornness.
''Aren't you going to finish detailing your plan? Most evil scientists and Villains tend to do so. . .You know, For liability reasons and all'' I muttered, Trying to twist my hand out of the strap.
With a sigh, The other villain moved back out of my sight.
''No, I don't think I will. . .Besides, I'm not a villain'' He said simply before he held my hand down firmly, Stopping my slight struggle.
I flinched, A small squeak of surprise escaping me as something sharp and thin broke through my skin.
''Shh shhshh, This should help you relax, And stop you from hurting yourself'' The other villain assured calmly, His voice gentle and almost kind sounding.
This is so fucked up. . .Why does he have to sound kind and charming? Couldn't he sound creepy or some shit?
Slightly late chapter. . .But yeah, Plans are changing and things are not looking good for Corbin. . .
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...