. . .NSFW part in this chapter. . .There'll be a warning before it for those who don't like sex scenes. . .
I laid silently with my back turned towards Ian, My sunglasses resting on the nearby bedside table with my phone.
Despite how dark my room was, I could still see clearly. . .And I could hear the labored breathing from Ian just as clearly. . .
Did Cali jumping on him really hurt him that much?. . .
Turning over slightly, I glanced back at him, Concerned that I had accidently hurt him indirectly.
He had his face covered with his hands, His ears and face flushed pink.
Glancing down, I noticed a small little bulge in the light blanket that was draped over both him and I.
Ooh. . .That's relieving. . .I thought we had hurt him. . .
'Excuse me but that is not a reaction you should be having to knowing someone has a hard on' Tene called out, Making Ian jolt in surprise as he no doubt heard what the dragon had said.
Ian curled up slightly, His back towards me before he finally spoke.
''I-I'm so so sorry, I don't know why this is happening, I know it's rude. . .I'm so so sorry'' Ian sobbed out, Sounding so guilty and sorry for getting a hard on.
Sighing, I rolled over so I was fully facing him, Moving closer to him as I spoke.
''Hey, It's okay. . .I know hormones don't always pick the best times to act up, It's not your fault'' I assured him, Resting an arm on his shoulder as he slowly turned to stare up at me.
He gave me a small wobbly smile before turning fully to rest his face against my neck suddenly.
I felt my body briefly tensing up as his breath ghosted across my neck before I let out a sigh, Turning to gently kiss at the top of his head.
At that moment, It was like a silent signal was passed between the two of us, A flip getting switched in both of us.
- Nsfw part. . .-
I moved one of my legs to be between his as he slowly started to grind against me, His eyes tightly closed, His breath coming out in hot little puffs.
My own cock was starting to take an interest in the situation we were in.
'Alright, Cali, Time to head into a different room, C'mon' I heard Eige say, Taking the most innocent dragon away from the bedroom, Tene following quickly behind them.
Hesitantly, Ian turned his face to look up at me, His eyes on my lips.
He looked cute when he was all hot and bothered.
A small, Cruel part of me wanted to keep him like this for a while.
Leaning my head down, I gently pressed my lips to his in a brief and light kiss.
Ian sighed before I decided to be a jerk, Moving my leg closer to his member suddenly, Making his breath hitch in surprise.
I held Ian close by his shoulders as he continued to grind up against me, Shivering slightly.
My own interest was growing, My powers reaching out to the many nearby shadows, Making them twist and arch off the wall, The ones close to the bed started to curl towards Ian and I, Loosely wrapping around us both.
I could feel Ian tense up slightly, His eyes darting down to my shadows.
He looked a bit concerned.
Leaning closer, I moved my leg again, Drawing Ian's attention back to me as he let out a tiny muffled moan, My member straining painfully against my jeans.
After a short while of him grinding against me, He let out a frustrated whimper like sound, Stopping grinding against me as his face flushed.
''You alright?'' I questioned, My voice strained but concerned despite how horny I was.
Did I hurt him?
He buried his face in my chest before quietly muttering something that made my heart skip a beat or twenty.
''Will you. . . Fuck me?'' He asked quietly, Timidly.
I stared down at him for a long long time before hesitantly nodding.
Do I have lube? I. . .Haven't jerked off in a while. . .If I even have it. . .Does it expire?
Despite my racing thoughts and slight concern, I did my best not to let it seem that way as I kissed at Ian's neck, Placing my hands on his waist.
I gave him a small smile as my shadows searched for some lube.
He gave me an equally small and shy smile before I suddenly flipped him over, Using my shadows to make the flip easier and less risky.
The last thing I wanted was to accidently bang Ian's head against something solid and sharp.
His ears were tipped with pink as I rested a hand on his back, His body squirming below me slightly.
I held back a smile as my shadows finally found the bottle of lube I could have sworn I had.
Leaning down, I pressed a kiss to his neck as the bottle was placed down on the bed as I slowly got up onto my knees right behind Ian.
Gently, I slid his clothes off as I gently mapped out his body with my hands.
His skin was soft, Silky and warm, It was nice.
Tossing his clothes off to the side somewhere in the bedroom, I smiled down at the squirming boy underneath me as my shadows slowly curled up around his arms and legs.
''You okay down there?'' I checked as I picked up the half empty bottle, Opening the cap as Ian nodded, His eyes closed.
Smiling gently down at him, I poured a bit of the liquid out onto my fingers before lightly pressing one to his entrance.
I waited as he inhaled sharply, Giving him some time to relax before slowly and carefully inserting a finger into him.
Ian's breath caught in his throat as I felt around inside him as he slowly adjusted to me.
Eventually, I found a small spot inside him that was firmer than the rest of the walls of his insides.
A small feeling of pride formed inside me as Ian gasped faintly, His whole body twitching as his eyes snapped closed tightly.
Knew I'd find it. . .
Ha, Cliffhanger in the sex scene. . .
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...