Ian Pov. . .
Swallowing nervously, I stared down at the table, Trying my best to ignore the three people staring at me.
The quick movement of one of Corbin's dragon's caught my eye as it dashed below the booth like seats we were sitting in.
Based upon the fact none of the heros reacted, I guessed they didn't see little Eige's dash for a new hiding spot.
I risked a glance over at the other boy, I had a feeling he was looking at me.
Not like I could tell though, His shades made it impossible to see his eyes.
''You're pretty attached to him aren't you?'' The mystery male hero across from me asked gently, His voice thankfully quiet enough to not draw too much attention.
Despite that, I felt my face flush as I stumbled over an answer to that, Unsure if I really wanted any of them knowing the relationship Corbin and I had very quickly rushed into.
The hero across from me chuckled quietly at my reaction, Not seeming to notice the tense agitation coming off of Daxon beside me.
''You know, You'd be able to protect your friend quite well if you became a hero'' The other one said, Her voice breaking the tension.
I frowned slightly at that, Feeling Eige brush past my legs at that same moment.
''He might even like it, Lots of people like Heros after all'' She continued, That single sentence jarring a small surprised laugh from me.
The two heros just arched an eyebrow at that.
''He. . .He doesn't like heros. . .He borderline hates them actually. . .'' I muttered quietly when their questioning looks became too much for me to ignore.
''Really? He acts pretty nice to Golden'' The male hero pointed out, Nodding in Daxon's direction as he spoke.
''He doesn't know that I'm a hero . . .Somehow. . .'' Daxon said, Coming to my rescue in a way.
Before anything else could be said, There was a loud bang from outside.
My head snapped towards the window as the whole cafe suddenly became silent, Not a word spoken.
Everyone waited with baited breath, Waiting to see what would happen next.
I could hear my heart beating rapidly as the plants around us in the shop started to stir, Their leaves and vines spreading over the edge of their pots and spilling onto the ground.
Daxon's attention drew to the plants at that, His surprisingly heavy hand being placed on my shoulder.
''Breath'' He murmured quietly, Before he could say anything else though, There was a loud crash as a body slammed through the window.
My eyes widened as my heart hammered away in my chest, Time felt like it was slowed as the body and a shower of glass shards headed straight for me.
Before it could hit me, A combination of light bands and shadows arched up around me, Working together to shield me.
A small surprised inhale escaped me before both the light and shadow dispersed, Leaving me dazed and slightly blinded for a moment.
Once I stopped seeing spots every time I blinked, My gaze instantly snapped to Corbin.
His powers are back!
I stared at him with a surprised feeling of joy bubbling up in my chest, He was still behind the counter, Looking like another innocent civilian, But I knew it was him who helped save me.
Again, Just like a few minuets ago, Before I could do anything, Another person crashed through the now heavily broken window.
This one however, Wasn't knocked out.
''Corbin! Duck!'' I called out as I raised some of the plants around the counter up as quickly as I could.
Thankfully I was just in time to block one of the attacker's burst of flame that she sent towards the people cowering close to the counter.
''Oh fuck'' I whispered quietly as the plants caught on fire instantly, At least they had managed to stop the fire ball from hitting the people.
Still, I grimaced slightly at the un-comfortable feeling that filled me as the plants burned. . .I just really wanted to get away from here.
At that moment, Corbin came to my rescue, Pouring water over the plants, Stopping the fire burning through them.
I gave him a small grateful smile before the sound of a fight drew my attention back to the attacking fire powered girl.
'Damn, I'm all for a little arson and all that. . .But. . . Actually I forgot where I was going with this' Tene muttered as he dashed towards me, Jumping just as I reached out towards him, The surprisingly soft little noodle of a dragon climbing up under my shirt, Hiding from the light.
I felt my breath briefly hitch before a small scream drew my attention back to the people in this cafe with us.
Glancing at Corbin, I could see how tense he was, He clearly wanted to help evacuate the people in here, But he already took too much of a risk helping to save me.
I gotta help. . .
'You know, That person attacking us used to be a hero' Tene said as I got to my feet, Cautiously drawing some more plants from their pots.
''How do you know that?'' I asked quietly as I wrapped some plants around the first little group of cowering people.
They started to scream before I lifted them up and away from the fighting, Carefully setting them outside of the cafe where they were less likely to get hurt.
'Eige, Little nerd, Recognized her voice, Her hero name was Sear, Her actual name was Shannon something or other' Tene informed me, Poking his little whiskers out of my shirt briefly before ducking back down.
''So. . .I assume she's been trained in fighting?. . .How are we gonna take her down?'' I asked quietly as I raised more people out of the cafe.
'More fire? Pretty much a given, I mean. . .It's not like anything can survive fire if you get it hot enough' Tene muttered quietly.
I had a feeling he might be wrong about that, But I wasn't about to take the time to figure out if he really was.
. . .Well. . .Only one way to find out?
Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

Shadows of the heart (MxMxMxMxM)
Romance-Temporary Hiatus- Just another Villain x Hero story. Bleedingshade, Just a regular Villain, Heartless and a monster. . . Or so says the media. Maybe Corbin, Isn't as cruel as the media makes his Villain self out to be. Maybe a hero will capture his...