Chapter 2

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The next day, I woke up quite early so I could shower before breakfast. Once I was out, I dried and straightened my hair then added some makeup. My lashes were already quite long, so adding mascara made them look much longer, I also added some eyeliner and some lipgloss onto my plump lips.

Bella woke up when I was in the shower, so she was already changed. Once I had gotten my uniform on and fed Milo, we made our way down to the great hall.

It was busting with students, all fuelling up for a busy first day. My eyes searched around the room, and they caught with Theodore's. He called us over, so we sat beside them.

Draco was sat directly in front of me, he didn't even pay attention that I was there.

"Hey." I smiled at them all. "When do we get our timetables?"

"Whenever Snape can be bothered to hand them out." Blaise said.

"Snape?" I asked.

"He's our potions teacher, and head of house." Theodore told me.

"Is he nice?"

He began to snicker. "No."

"Oh." Well, that's my favourite lesson gone down the drain.

I began to eat some food as Theodore went on a ramble to us all, I fazed him out when I noticed Draco playing with his rings. He had extremely veiny hands, they looked big and strong. Those rings did him wonders, and those fingers looked very long and slender. Fucking hell they must hurt.

"Ella!" I heard my name being shouted, which snapped me out of the trans. I looked to my left, Theodore was the one who shouted.


"Professor Snape was talking to you."

I looked up to see a tall man with a long robe on, he had black greasy hair. "Miss Mayler, your timetable." He passed me a piece of paper, his voice was so boring and flat.

"Thank you."

He then passed the timetables out to everyone else, leaving our group alone.

"So, how come you changed from Beaubaxtons anyway?" Theodore asked both me and Bella.

"Our father found a better job here in England, so we moved here."

I heard Bella scoff. "Ell, we were going to get kicked out anyway after what we did, so I don't know why you keep telling everyone like we had a choice to come here." Why would you tell them that?

"You got kicked out?" Blaise asked, a hint of shock in his voice.

"Nearly kicked out, they were still indecisive on weather we could go back or not. It was just a coincidence that my father found a better job here." I informed them all, even Draco began to listen in.

"Why did you nearly get kicked out?" Theodore asked.

I glanced over at Bella, and we shared a look. I really don't want to tel then what happened. "That's a story for a other time." I mumbled while standing up and getting my bag to change the subject. "First lesson is starting."

I walked away, Theodore caught up with me. "What lesson do you have now?" He asked.


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