Chpater 83

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I'm so glad you're okay. I'm sorry I can't be there to help with...everything...but I'll see you soon enough. Please be careful, you know where I am if you need me.

Your mother has helped me a lot, she's also very worried about you. She's told me so many stories and shown me many photos of you as a baby. It's adorable really.

I love and miss you, please write back if you can.

Ella x.

2 weeks later...


I miss you. Sorry I haven't replied you your letters in a while, it's been stressful for me here. Madame Pomfrey has been looking after me, and I'm slowly getting better. I wish you were here, and if I'm being honest with myself, I miss you a lot. I need you here, but I understand that you can't be here.

I wish I could see you. I miss you and your beautiful face,



Milo misses you, he keeps sleeping in your bedroom instead of mine. He hardly goes outside anymore, although, I think it's in fear. Bellatrix caught him wandering around the house and decided to use the torture curse on him, thinking he were a rat or a spy, I had to keep him in a cold bowl of water for a few hours. He did not like that. He's fine now, just seems sad to not have his dad here.

How's the task going? Will I be able to see you soon? How are you? I miss you.

Ella x

the task is coming along fine, it's stressful, but fine. Crabbe and Goyle came out as gay a few days ago. Said they've been together for a few years, they were just too scared to tell us. I think it's cute.

Snape has been offering me help, since I am still struggling with my wounds, but it's still hard. Blaise has become suspicious of me, keeps trying to get me to 'open up' to him. He thinks I'm depressed.

Tell Milo I miss him, as cringey as it sounds, but I miss his annoying traits. Like waking us up at 3 am to lick our faces. Tell mother I miss her, and your mother. I hope all is well there.



Things are getting hectic here. Lots of my dads...friends...are coming around. The dark Lord also comes often. I've had to set up a permanent hospital ward at your house, since a lot of people are getting hurt. It's stressing me out because I'm the only one there to help. Father said he's going to ask for someone to help me, so I'm not completely alone.

Bella and Theo are together, officially. He took her to our place, which I found adorable. Father was a little wary at first, but he's taken a liking for Theo now. Your mother said she misses you, and to stay safe.

I can't wait to see you,



I know it's been a while, and I'm sorry. I love you, and hopefully I can come back soon enough. Exams have started, which don't really bother me. I haven't shown up to them, so now Dumbledore and McGonagall are on my case about it. Had to pretend to be ill but they told me to go to Madame Pomfrey.

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