Chapter 49

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I got hardly any sleep thinking about Jasmine and the horrible things she did to Draco just made my mind race. I wanted to kill her, and I meant that literally. Her and Matthew were the same in my eyes.

"Morning." I heard Draco mumble, I looked down at him and smiled. I had been staring at the ceiling for most of the night, random patterns began to invade my vision which just showed how sleep deprived I was.

"Morning, handsome." I kissed the top of his head.

"You look tired." He stated while climbing off me and sat with his legs crossed. "Did you get any sleep."

"Yeah." I lied, Draco would just worry about me if I told the truth.

"Oh, good." He kissed my cheek then got out of bed. "I'm starving, should we go for some food?"

"Yeah, I need to get some fresh clothes from my dorm."

"I'll come with you."

Draco quickly slipped into his uniform then interlocked our hands as we walked back of my dorm. I opened the door and walked in first, Draco following right behind me.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" I heard Bella screech. I looked over at her bed to see both her and Luna naked, Bella was on top and Luna was messing with her boobs but moved them away when Bella got off her and covered them both up with the covers.

I turned on my heel and covered Draco's eyes while shoving him out the door. I only let go once it was closed and the two girls were out of sight.

"We're they....?" He asked awkwardly.

"Yep, let's just try to forget about that."

I looked down at the ground in awkwardness as Draco stood there whistling. There was a silence that emitted between us, which was most definitely awkward.

"Have you ever... you know...with a girl?" He asked me.

"Well, kind of. I was in a threesome if that counts."

"Would you ever have one again?"

"I'm not sure." I shrugged. "Why, would you want one?"

"I mean, it depends who with and stuff."

"Yeah." I nodded then looked down at the ground again, but something caught my attention. Draco's pants were looking very tight around his crotch, and you could see he was erect. "Draco, what the fuck?"

"What?" He looked down and quickly covered it up. "Shit."

"Is that over Bella and Luna?"


"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I hit his shoulder.

"She looks just like you, I couldn't help it."

"But it's not me." I got him again.

"Ow, stop hitting me."

"Stop getting hard over my sister then."

"Your twin sister, the one person in the world who looks exactly like you."

"It's still weird."

"I wasn't thinking of Bella I was thinking of you."

"Oh, that makes it so much better." I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes.

"Ella." He sighed. "I can't help it, if it goes up then it goes up, it's something I can't control."

I had my arms crossed over my chest while leaning against the door. "Fine. But I'm not helping you sort yourself out, you can do that yourself."

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