Chapter 56

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I was absolutely shitting myself for the Dark lords arrival. He was having a meeting at the Malfoy manor this evening but before that he wants to speak to us all individually. I felt like I was about to be interrogated or something, only if they found out I was on the good side I wouldn't be put in Azkaban or put on trail like most people...I'd be killed. Luckily I'm not, but I will try and help Hermione and Harry and Ron as much as possible. I was quite close to Hermione since we used to study in the library together for our OWL exams, she was surprisingly really nice to me, considering I'm Draco Malfoy's girlfriend, the boy they've all hated for years.

Right now, I was sat in the living room with Draco and Bella. We were making small talk, but you could tell we were all nervous. Bella was biting her nails and Draco was messing with his rings, things both of them only do when they're nervous.

I could feel a pit in my stomach, it just grew and grew each minute that went by. My thoughts manifested with themselves which felt like my skin was crawling.

We were all in formal attire, we had a scolding from our mothers about needing to look presentable in front of tue dark Lord, as if he was the king of England.

"What time is it now?" I asked.

"4:56, only a minute after you last asked me." Draco sassed while checking his watch.

"Can we make a pact?" Bella asked as she tapped her foot on the marble flooring. "We do this together, we help one another no matter what?"

"Yeah." I agreed. "We do it together, if he asks something from one, it's for us all."

"Okay." Draco nodded.


There was another silence that filled the room, the only sound that could be heard was Bella tapping her foot -which grew very irritating.

"What time is it now?"

"Ella I swear to Merlin-"

Draco got cut off when we heard a knock at the door. All three of us turned our heads in unison to look at the door which began to open. Narcissa and mother walked in looking rather nervous.

"He's here." Mother told us.

"And he wants to speak with your father and Ella first." Narcissa continued. There was a small moment of silence as the three of us looked between one another, they both gave me a small nod so I stood up and walked out with Narcissa following. She showed me to the right room and said that my father was already inside discussing business, all I had to do was sit and listen as father did the talking.

"Good luck, I know you'll do brilliantly." She whispered to me and walked away. I took a shaky breath before knocking on the door. It opened on its own to reveal Voldemort sat at the desk and my father in front of it, a spare chair reserved for me presumably.

"Ah, Ella, please come in." The dark Lord smiled at me. His smile never seemed to be one of those contagious smiles that makes you want to smile, one that makes you happy and get a warm feeling inside, just like Draco's smile. No. His was and evil smile, one that when you saw you just knew something bad would happen. One that made you want to cry and tremble.

I slowly closed the door behind myself and sat beside my father, who took my hand in his in a reassuring way.

"So, we were just discussing your abilities in healing." Father explained. "How it's a good idea to have you as our healer-"

The dark Lord slammed his hand down on the desk, making my father shut up and I jumped a little. "Let me tell the girl, Harland. I'm the one who decides what to do with her."

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