Chapter 78

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Warning: talk of abuse.


"Well well well, what do we have here?"

That voice. It was so familiar, although I've not heard it in months. The dark, snipped tone sent shivers down my spine. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice even when I couldn't see his face.

Slowly, I turned around. There he was. Matthew Derver. His evil smirk plastered on his face as he eyed me up and down. My heart rate increased dramatically, I could feel it thumping in my throat.


"That's right, love." He growled, wand in one hand and a glass of firewhiskey in the other. "Miss me?"

"I thought you were in St. Mungo's?"

"Oh, I was. But they let me go, I've had a long few months locked away in that hell hole. You have no idea how horrible it was, how much pain I was in. Each day, a new nurse telling me I'll get better soon, but it never came." His words were slurred, the way he leant on his right side made it obvious he was drunk. "I was lucky to survive, if that oaf Hagrid hadn't of found me, I would be dead."

"That was the plan." I whispered.

"What was that?" He snapped, I froze. Not wanting to make a wrong move, not when Matthew is drunk. Hell, I remember all the horrible things he did to me when he was drunk.

"Ella!" His voice boomed from the west side of the mansion. The Derver mansion.

I jumped a little, my fingers shaking as I climbed out of bed. It was dark, I remember the way the paintings hung loosely on the black walls. All of them judging me, some whispering profanities at one another.

My heart beat was in my throat as I swallowed a lump. He was in his fathers office, since they were away for the weekend, drinking of course. He did it every night.

The door was peaking open a little. A small beam of orange light shining through made by the fire. I slowly opened the door, creaking loudly. His head turned to face me, a sneer on his face. One I've always hated.

"Come here." He spat. His voice clipped. I flinched, not wanting to disobey. I hesitantly walked over to the love seat he was sat at. His eyes burning through me as I sat on the edge of it.

He grabbed my wrist, pulling me until I leant to the side. His breath fanning my neck. I squeezed my eyes shut, petrified of what he would do.

"You disobeyed me." He growled. "Why do you think you can get away with that?"

"W-what did I do?" I dared to ask. The fear clear in my shaky voice.

A cold hand made contact with my face, then he pushed me off the seat onto the hard wooden floor. I held my cheek in pain, it heated up and began to throb. I looked up at the brown haired boy as a tear escaped my eye. "What did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

I cowered into the flooring, now lying in a ball as I silently prayed to be anywhere but here. I watched as he pulled out his wand, pointing it straight at me. "I'll show you what you did wrong."


Stop it. That was then. Not now.

I wiped away the stray tear, looking back at the hateful man stood before me.

"Fuck off Matthew, I'm not in the mood."

"You put on quite a show back there." He mused, stepping closer. I retreated back, noticing the large hedges that stood behind me. "You've always been a fucking slut, I just didn't think you were so needy you would shag someone while you're at a ball in someone else's house."

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