Chapter 6

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The next day, I woke up with a guilty conscience. I don't want Theo thinking I want anything with him, I simply wanted to kiss him. I really, really hope he thinks the same.

I got changed then did my makeup and hair and fed Milo. "Bella, are you nearly ready?" I asked as I stroked my polecat.

"Yeah, give me a minute."

I huffed as I waited for her to finish, not 5 minutes later she was ready to go. We linked arms as we walked down to the common room.

"Should we wait down here for everyone else?" She asked, I agreed so we sat down on the sofa. The only other person around the two sofas was Malfoy.

He looked up from his book and rolled his eyes before concentrating on it once more.

"So, what's our first lesson?" Bella asked me as she checked her nails.

"Divination with crazy Trelawney." I rolled my eyes at the thought. That bitch really was crazy.

Bella sighed deeply as she lay back on the sofa, her head on my lap. I began playing with her hair as we waited for everyone else.

Soon enough, Blaise name down so Bella sat up. Theo follow behind him, he came and sat next to me and without even thinking he pulled me into a kiss.

I quickly pulled away as soon as I realised what had happened and widened my eyes. "Morning." He chimed. Even Malfoy looked over at us with raised eyebrows.

I held the back of my neck awkwardly. For fuck sake Theo, why did you have to make this so awkward?

"Um...I think we should talk." I told him. "Just the two of us."

"Okay." He said hesitantly as I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to a random deserted corridor. "Listen, I'm sorry if you thought differently, but I think we should keep this relationship as friends. I think you're a nice guy and all but-"

"What? Oh no sorry I didn't want to give you a wrong impression." He began. "I just wanted to kiss someone, I thought our relationship was kissing and nothing else."

"I think we should stop with the kissing. It's a bit weird to snog your friend, and if we did then someone would catch feelings at some point."

"That would be you." He nudged me. "All the girls fall for me."

"In your dreams, Nott." I chuckled as we walked back to our friend group.

"That was a quick shag." Malfoy muttered. Fucking prick.

I just ignored his comment. "Should we go for food?"

Everyone agreed, so we got up and walked down to the great hall and sat down together.

I picked up some pancakes and placed them on my plate, then I added some chocolate spread on top and tucked in. I looked up and glanced around the crowded room as I ate. There were many different conversations all going on at once, a crowd of noise filling my ears.

My gaze met with a familiar gingers, one of the Weasley twins, I winked at him then carried on eating while we stared at one another. Someone walked past me which blocked the Weasley from my sight. I looked up to see who had stopped my flirting, it was a Hufflepuff girl.

"Malfoy." She called, he ignored her. "Um, Malfoy."

He continued to eat and not look at the girl.

"Asshole!" I shouted, he looked up at me with a glare. "Don't be so rude, there's a girl trying to talk to you."

He scoffed then turned to look at her. "What?"

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