Chapter 35

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Sexual scenes, viewer discretion is advised.


The next week passed by quickly, I was now part of the inquisitorial squad, Draco was happy I'd decided to join him.

Right now, I was in my own bed for once. Draco had been doing his rounds around the castle until late and I wanted to have a chat with my sister so I stayed in my own room. It was now Saturday, and I was so glad it was the weekend.

I got changed then fed Milo and waited for Bella to get ready. "So, are you meeting Luna tonight?"

"No she said she's got something on with her friends so she can't."

"Ahhh." I nodded.

"Ready to go?" She asked, I stood up and we linked arms then walked to the common room together. We sat down across from one another on the sofas. Draco came and sat beside me, Theo sat at the other side of me then Crabbe and Goyle sat at either side of Bella, Blaise then came in and sat beside Goyle.

"So, I think we should go into the common room and get drunk." Theo announced. "Just us lot, I reckon it'll be fun."

"I'm up for it." I nodded. Everyone else then agreed.

We all kept eating then we went into the common room and sat down, Draco and Bella beside me.

A group of girls all walked past the sofas and stopped at Draco. "Hey Draco." One smiled as she stepped out from the group, all of them were giggling behind her. "Do you want to go somewhere private with me?" Wow, that's one way to be upfront.

"Fuck off." He spat while wrapping his arm around my waist, it was discreetly so only I knew, but it was a way of reassurance -which felt nice.

She looked down at the floor and walked off quickly, all her friends followed behind her.

"Wow, she was fit, I'm surprised you didn't go for it." Blaise told us and Theo agreed.

"I'm done with stupid hookups."


"Seriously?" They both asked, he squeezed my waist a little.

"Yeah, I'm done with all that pettiness."

"Wow, I never thought I'd see the day."

"Shut up." He scoffed, which made us all chuckle, he then turned to me. "I need to go to Hogsmeade, will you come with me?"

"Sure." I nodded as we both got up. "I need to grab my purse."

I ran back to my room and grabbed my purse and a coat and scarf then went back downstairs. "Where are you two going?" Crabbe asked.


We walked away and out the castle, going down to the village. He pulled out a cigarette and began to smoke it.

"So what did you need to come down here for?" I asked.

"I just wanted to have a look around, I didn't want to go alone." He admitted while taking another drag. "Want some?"

I took it off him and had a couple of drags myself. We kept talking as normal until he had finished the cigarette and chucked it away.

"I'm so cold." I admitted, it was still snowing and it was up to my ankles so I was freezing.

"Yeah, it is pretty cold outside, isn't it?"

"Just a bit."

He nudged me and we both laughed. "Why don't we go to the three broomsticks for some food and a butter beer?" He asked.

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