Chapter 58

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The next few weeks were hell. Bella and Draco had continued to do those stupid lessons with uncle Harry, which meant Draco pushed me away more and would just stay in his room alone just after the lessons had ended. 

I had been working on healing and everything I need to know, there was a book shop nearby which my mother took me to where I picked up quite a few books. I had consulted with my father about the making of the different potions I might need, to which he told me to ask professor Snape since he was a death eater and potions master. So when I get back to school, he has a hell of a lot of potions he needs to make for me, just so I'm prepared for any situation.

I had dove myself into my work, making it my distraction from how closed off Draco had been and everything going on around me. Meetings became so frequent around here meaning Matthew was around a lot, which led to me staying in my room.

I had made a book to help me, it has every situation I can think of happening and what to do and what to use. That way, I'm not trying to recite pages and pages of writing from all different books. Instead, it's in one book and one I can understand properly and effectively, also one I can carry around with me.

My medical bag had grown much bigger. I didn't need to add an extendable charm on it before, but now I do. Mother must of bought me every single potion, cream, ointment, bottle, gas and anaesthetic you can find in the wizarding world, even some from the Muggle world. It was a little overwhelming, but I know the purpose for each and every single one of them now.

The dark Lord was 'proud' of me, he didn't actually say those words but insinuated it. He desperately needed to have someone on his side ready to help those on the front line or he'd loose a lot of members and he can't afford that now everyone knows he's back. It's dark times, not only at the Malfoy manor but everywhere.

Luna had been writing to Bella about how her father nearly didn't let her go back to Hogwarts, but she persuaded otherwise.

Today was a lot more stressful than most. It was the day of Lucius' trail to determine weather or not he'd be put into Azkaban permanently. He's been in there for the whole of summer waiting for his trial, which I'm sure he will loose because he has a lot of evidence to show that he was aiming to go up against the ministry.

Draco had been a nervous wreak all week, all leading up to today. Narcissa had tried to occupy herself by doing the gardening or cleaning, meaning most house elves were lost on what to do. I took advantage of this by asking them to help me start on making some of the potions that will help me in the future, to which they agreed. They all seemed nice, but had lots of scars on them.

Right now, I was just finishing up my hair. I had just had a shower and straightened it then did my makeup, nothing too heavy but enough to make it look like I hadn't woken up at 6am on only 2 hours of sleep.

For some reason, someone in the ministry had the smart idea of making his trial at 7:05am, that's 5 minutes after the ministry opens. It's still rush hour then, meaning it was going to be hard to get there on time unless we went at 7 on the dot.

Narcissa had asked only for me and Draco to go, she knew Draco would need the support and we all knew that the press would be waiting outside. That meant, if more people from my family went, or anything to do with the dark Lord, they'd know something sketchy was going on, especially when everyone was so paranoid all the time.

I had dressed in a formal black dress and heels then went downstairs to wait for the others. The nerves were eating at my skin, making my appetite fly out the window. Looking at the piles and piles of wasteful food on the dining table made me feel even worse, so I stuck to drinking water.

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